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Stick man football
Post by Danny on Feb 21st, 2015, 9:16pm


I would like to make a sort of game / possibly for tactical training in football set-pieces e.g. corners .

I would like to make it with stick figures but with many moving limbs.

It seemed to me that I could do this with hundreds or possibly thousands
of line draw commands. Is this a doomed approach ? Is there an undo line command?

Or perhaps should it just be done with sprites? Or something else?

I would appreciate any quick and easy to understand advice.

The main issue I think I'm trying to look for is reasonable speed and smoothness of animation.

Re: Stick man football
Post by rtr2 on Feb 21st, 2015, 10:11pm

on Feb 21st, 2015, 9:16pm, Danny wrote:
Is this a doomed approach ? Is there an undo line command?

A similar question was asked not so long ago; for your 'undo line' functionality use exclusive-or (XOR) plotting, then to 'undo' anything you just plot it again!

One thing you may need to watch is that, because of the nature of XOR plotting, any overlapping regions will be 'erased'. So if you have a stick figure and his arms 'cross', where they overlap will revert to the background colour. The same will happen if two figures overlap (this effect was often seen in early video games).

That may not matter to you, but if it does you may need to consider an alternative approach. One such is the GFXLIB2 library (if you can cope with the overhead of learning it) which can produce smooth animations:
