BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> Database and Files >> OPENIN "" : filename? OPENIN "" : filename?
Post by 5against4 on May 14th, 2015, 10:25am
Hi - this is most likely a very simple question, for which i apologise in advance, but i've checked the Help documents and haven't found the answer.
i'm using OPENIN "" in order to have a dialogue box to ask the user which file is required - but is the selected filename stored anywhere? and if not, can it be?
many thanks
Re: OPENIN "" : filename?
Post by rtr2 on May 14th, 2015, 1:06pm
but I would always recommend creating your own File Selector dialogue because you have so much more control than the crude wildcard method gives you. The code isn't all that complicated, especially as you can just copy-and-paste it from the manual:
Re: OPENIN "" : filename?
Post by 5against4 on May 14th, 2015, 2:14pm
Thank you Richard - i forgot about the Wiki. This has given me what i need. i take on board what you're saying about the crudity of this method, but for what i'm working on at the moment i just need something quick and dirty - nothing elegant