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General >> General Board >> From bb4w@yahoogroups

From bb4w@yahoogroups
Post by sveinioslo on Jul 2nd, 2014, 12:06pm

It's such a shame that the once vibrant Yahoo Group has been abandoned.
Have the problems that forced the migration away from Yahoo been resolved

Is it possible to make the system "push" messages, rather
than having to login to check for messages. I can't be the only one to have
lots of groups to follow - push mail is the only way to cope...

Best regards


Re: From bb4w@yahoogroups
Post by rtr on Jul 2nd, 2014, 12:45pm

on Jul 2nd, 2014, 12:06pm, sveinioslo wrote:
Have the problems that forced the migration away from Yahoo been resolved yet?

Far from it - from my perspective things have got worse recently rather than better. sad

Is it possible to make the system "push" messages

Sort of. Important announcements can be sent by email to all members (except those who have opted-out of such notifications). Also, each member can enable notifications on a thread-by-thread basis, so if they post a support request they can receive an email every time a reply is posted, or if the subject matter of another thread interests them they can again request to be notified when new posts appear.

The only feature not available is enabling notifications from all threads, but from my perspective it is rarely desirable to receive emails on a subject in which you are not interested!

Conforums is so much better than Yahoo in respect of thread management, ability to list code in a message without it being mangled by wrapping or white-space deletion, embedding media content (pictures and YouTube clips) etc.
