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homemade datetime in tasklbas/systray
« Thread started on: Jan 24th, 2012, 6:17pm » |
REM How to display eu datetime in Taskbar /systray deskbar asks Dynamic35 23.01.12 Most code written by Richard I believe PRINT "To hide systray clock press any key" REPEAT ipe=INKEY(1):UNTIL ipe>0 SYS "FindWindow", "Shell_TrayWnd", 0 TO htray% SYS "FindWindowEx", htray%, 0, "TrayNotifyWnd", 0 TO hnotify% SYS "FindWindowEx", hnotify%, 0, "TrayClockWClass", 0 TO hclock% SYS "ShowWindow", hclock%, 0 PRINT "To show systray clock press any key" REPEAT ipe=INKEY(1):UNTIL ipe>0 REM Show systray clock SYS "FindWindow", "Shell_TrayWnd", 0 TO htray% SYS "FindWindowEx", htray%, 0, "TrayNotifyWnd", 0 TO hnotify% SYS "FindWindowEx", hnotify%, 0, "TrayClockWClass", 0 TO hclock% SYS "ShowWindow", hclock%, 1 PRINT "To show online date and time in shortest possible EU mode, press any key" REPEAT ipe=INKEY(1):UNTIL ipe>0 REPEAT WAIT 100 REM ddmmyy$=LEFT$(FNfime$,8) REM hhmmss$=RIGHT$(FNfime$,8) PRINT TAB(1,5)FNfime$ UNTIL FALSE END DEF FNfime$ LOCAL D% DIM D% LOCAL 18 SYS "GetDateFormat", 0, 0, 0, "dd.MM.yy", D%, 8 SYS "GetTimeFormat", 0, 0, 0, ",HH:mm:ss", D%+8,9 = $$D%