BBC BASIC for Windows
IDE and Compiler >> Compiler >> Using REM!Fast for obfuscation
Using REM!Fast for obfuscation
Post by rtr2 on Jan 4th, 2015, 10:53am
A compiled BB4W program is pretty resistant to 'reverse engineering'. The cruncher - although it's not its main purpose - does a good job of obfuscating the code so that it's hard to understand, and the encrypted executable makes it difficult to view even that code.
Nevertheless some people are ultra sensitive about the possibility of their work being 'stolen', so it may be of interest to know that making extensive use of the REM!Fast directive (in BB4W v6) will add yet another layer of obfuscation. It introduces 'binary' data into the program, which may well display as spurious keywords or other garbage if an attempt is made to view it.