BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> Graphics and Games >> Spark

Post by David Williams on Sep 19th, 2017, 1:51pm

For a current project, I finally got around to trying to create a fake electrical spark effect, as seen in the excellent RISC OS game demo 'Scorpius' (skip to the 1:50 mark):

Here's my attempt (EXE only):

That 'Scorpius' demo, by the way, is an amazing piece of programming. The game maintained a 25 fps frame rate throughout on a slow ARM2 processor, and aside from that superb electrical spark effect, there are also parts where a differential equation is being solved in real-time (!) - but can you spot where?


Re: Spark
Post by michael on Sep 20th, 2017, 12:35am

Very nice work. That would make a cool screen type saver.