BBC BASIC for Windows
IDE and Compiler >> Compiler >> Compile embedded file list

Compile embedded file list
Post by Malvern on Feb 25th, 2012, 1:42pm

The current compile gets Install file names even from remmed lines and strings.
It looks as if the Find code is used and thus it can insert garbage names into the list.
PROCout(F%,1,"REM INSTALL @lib$+"+CHR$34+"WINLIB2"+CHR$34+" near .....
for instance would show a non-existent file name in the list.
Re: Compile embedded file list
Post by admin on Feb 25th, 2012, 3:44pm

on Feb 25th, 2012, 1:42pm, Malvern wrote:
The current compile gets Install file names even from remmed lines and strings.

Yes, it's pretty unsophisticated and only intended to make a guess at the files that require embedding.

The important point here is that this method of discovering which files need to be embedded is a fallback: it only gets used when there is neither an existing executable nor a REM!Embed directive present.

If there are one or more REM!Embed directives in the program then they determine the files that will be embedded in the executable, so this is the best method to use. If there is no REM!Embed but there is an existing executable file (in the default location) then the list of embedded files will be taken from that.

So it really doesn't matter that the 'fallback' method is fairly crude.
