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Programming >> Assembly Language Programming >> Turning BB into ASM code

Turning BB into ASM code
Post by Matt on May 31st, 2013, 07:32am

Ok. Really struggling here.

I'm not after direct answers, but I could use a few pointers.

This is the portion of code (slightly edited) that I want to change into MC.

      FOR col%=0 TO Headers% - 1
        IF col% THEN
          SYS "SendMessage", hlist%, &102E, line%, lvitem%
          SYS "SendMessage", hlist%, &1007, line%, lvitem%

Now, I think I've managed to work out how to deal with basic variables: [^variable], and I can send the SYS commands using push. However, arrays are a complete mystery. I know that they are not stored in memory the same as variables, but I'm not sure how to access them or use a 'count' to work my way through the array.

Any pointers?

Re: Turning BB into ASM code
Post by admin on May 31st, 2013, 4:05pm

on May 31st, 2013, 07:32am, Matt wrote:
This is the portion of code (slightly edited) that I want to change into MC.

Why? Given that it is presumably populating a list control it doesn't seem very likely that it would run much faster. Before contemplating conversion to assembler code I'd want to see the relevant extract from the Profiler report file to see exactly where the time is being spent. Perhaps you could list that so we can see the evidence on which you are basing your decision.

Re: Turning BB into ASM code
Post by Matt on May 31st, 2013, 5:05pm

I'm trying to load 10,000 dummy lines into the listview. I have three ways to do this.

1. A single pass through a large 2D array.
2. Line-by-line by 1D array.
3. Several passes through a smaller 2D array.

Ignore the third option as it turns out to be the worst of both.

Option 1 takes around 10 seconds to load the array and load the listview. However, it requires that I increas the available memory to at least 32MB. (+listview memory)

Option 2 takes around 90 seconds to load the listview, but it requires only a few bytes of memory. (+ listview memory)

The amount of memory is important as the number of lines in the listview is variable and could potentially be many times this. However, the time taken to list them is also important as listing just 10,000 should not take more than a few short seconds.

I've never seriously used the Profiler before as I never really had need for it or understood it. This is the listing for the selected code: (lvitem%!0 = 13 is set prior to loop)

        17:     0.03      FOR col%=0 TO Headers% - 1
       350:     0.68      lvitem%!4=line%
       203:     0.39      lvitem%!8=col%
       148:     0.29      lvitem%!20=!^detail$(col%)
       126:     0.24      lvitem%!24=LEN(detail$(col%))
        79:     0.15      lvitem%!32=line%
        49:     0.09      IF col% THEN
      9781:    18.94      SYS "SendMessage", hlist%, &102E, line%, lvitem% : REM LVM_SETITEMTEXT
        23:     0.04      ELSE
      9486:    18.37      SYS "SendMessage", hlist%, &1007, line%, lvitem% : REM LVM_INSERTITEM
         4:     0.01      ENDIF
        90:     0.17      NEXT 

Hope you can glean some helpful info from this. It seems to me, having examined it now, that the majority of time is spent sending the items to the listview. Do you think there is a way of increasing this? (I ask with the intension of testing this myself, but your opinion would be useful.)


Tried this, but got 'Address out of range' for lvitem% when loading assembler:

      LOCAL P%, L%, code%, opt%, lvset, lvinsert
      DIM code% LOCAL 100, L% -1
      FOR opt% = 9 TO 11 STEP 2
        P% = code%
        [OPT opt%
        push lvitem%
        push line%
        push &102E
        push hlist%
        call "SendMessage"
        push lvitem%
        push line%
        push &1007
        push hlist%
        call "SendMessage"
      REM end ASSEMBER 

Re: Turning BB into ASM code
Post by Michael Hutton on May 31st, 2013, 7:42pm


There is probably no real benefit in asm coding the SendMessage - as you may find out the delay is in Windows processing the messages not how fast you send them. There is no real way to speed this up. I know this because I have done exactly the same experimentation. Coding SYS calls will hardly ever result in a speed up unless you are using the SYS call to enter some user written routine and then only when in a very tight loop.

Write it all out in BASIC then profile it and find out what is causing the delay. Only then spend the time and effort to write the ASM code for the bits you might save time on.


Re: Turning BB into ASM code
Post by Matt on May 31st, 2013, 8:05pm

Thanks Michael.

on May 31st, 2013, 7:42pm, Michael Hutton wrote:
Write it all out in BASIC then profile it and find out what is causing the delay. Only then spend the time and effort to write the ASM code for the bits you might save time on.

As before, the main delay seems to be SYS commands. If even MC will not help this, then I'll have to figure out some other way to do it. Perhaps going back to increasing the size of the available memory.

Re: Turning BB into ASM code
Post by admin on May 31st, 2013, 8:54pm

on May 31st, 2013, 5:05pm, Matt wrote:
Hope you can glean some helpful info from this.

It confirms what I thought: converting to assembler code is unlikely to make much difference to the speed. You can usefully replace the SYS "SendMessage" with the numeric equivalent e.g. SYS SendMessage% (where the value is established using GetProcAddress during initialisation). That will avoid the 'lookup' overhead, but otherwise you might as well leave the code in BASIC I would have thought.


Re: Turning BB into ASM code
Post by Matt on Jun 1st, 2013, 07:13am

on May 31st, 2013, 8:54pm, Richard Russell wrote:
You can usefully replace the SYS "SendMessage" with the numeric equivalent e.g. SYS SendMessage% (where the value is established using GetProcAddress during initialisation).

I've put this at the front end of the program:
      SYS "LoadLibrary", "User32.dll" TO u32%
      SYS "GetProcAddress", u32%, "SendMessage" TO SendMessage% 
(This appears to be the correct dll file according to the MS website.)

However, SendMessage% contains zero, which results in an 'Address out of range' error when it's called.


Re: Turning BB into ASM code
Post by admin on Jun 1st, 2013, 08:43am

on Jun 1st, 2013, 07:13am, Matt wrote:
However, SendMessage% contains zero, which results in an 'Address out of range' error when it's called.

Use this code:

      SYS "GetModuleHandle", "USER32" TO H%
      SYS "GetProcAddress", H%, "SendMessageA" TO SendMessage%

Re: Turning BB into ASM code
Post by Michael Hutton on Jun 1st, 2013, 3:21pm

Although, using ASM code does have one advantage, especially in BB4W as there is no native multithreaded support, if you want to populate a large list view but want to go on and do something else in the meantime you could create a worker thread quite easily to send all the information and then wait for it to complete.

Re: Turning BB into ASM code
Post by Matt on Jun 1st, 2013, 5:12pm

Thanks Richard.
on Jun 1st, 2013, 08:43am, Richard Russell wrote:
Use this code:

      SYS "GetModuleHandle", "USER32" TO H%
      SYS "GetProcAddress", H%, "SendMessageA" TO SendMessage%

This does work now. However, it unfortunately only increases the speed by around 5%. It was worth a try.

Re: Turning BB into ASM code
Post by Matt on Jun 1st, 2013, 5:16pm

Thanks Michael.

on Jun 1st, 2013, 3:21pm, Michael Hutton wrote:
Although, using ASM code does have one advantage, especially in BB4W as there is no native multithreaded support, if you want to populate a large list view but want to go on and do something else in the meantime you could create a worker thread quite easily to send all the information and then wait for it to complete.

At present, I'm struggling to cope with basic ASM without trying to do multithread, but thanks.

Re: Turning BB into ASM code
Post by Michael Hutton on Jun 1st, 2013, 6:39pm

Here is some code to play with for filling out a ListView. Tomorrow I'll try to make it multithreaded for you . I have to go out now.

      REM Demo of filling a ListView Control with Dummy Data
      REM Install Libraries
      INSTALL @lib$ + "WINLIB5"
      REM!WC Windows Constants
      LVIS_SELECTED = &2
      LVS_REPORT = &1
      REM Define lvitem and lvcolumn structures
      DIM lvitem{mask%,   \
      \   iItem%,         \
      \   iSubItem%,      \
      \   state%,         \
      \   stateMask%,     \
      \   pszText%,       \
      \   cchTextMax%,    \
      \   iImage%,        \
      \   lParam%,        \
      \   iIndent%       }
      DIM column{mask%,  \
      \   fmt%,          \
      \   cx%,           \
      \   pszText%,      \
      \   cchTextMax%,   \
      \   iSubItem%     }
      column.mask% = 15 : REM LVCF_WIDTH | LVCF_SUBITEM | LVCF_FMT | LVCF_TEXT
      REM Define the number of row and columns (includes 0)
      MAXCOL% = 99
      MAXROW% = 99
      REM Create Dummy Data
      DIM Data$(MAXCOL%, MAXROW%)
      FOR col% = 0 TO MAXCOL%
        FOR row% = 0 TO MAXROW%
          Data$(row%,col%) = STR$(row%) + STR$(col%) + CHR$0
      REM Create a list View
      SYS "InitCommonControls"
      hList% = FN_createwindow("SysListView32","",100,100,@vdu%!28,@vdu%!36,0,LVS_REPORT,0) : REM LVS_REPORT
      REM Assemble our machine code routine
      REM Insert the Headers of the list View
      FOR C% = 0 TO MAXCOL%
        head$ = STR$(C%) + CHR$0 = 50
        column.pszText% = !^head$
        column.iSubItem% = C%
        SYS "SendMessage", hList%, &101B, C%, column{} : REM LVM_INSERTCOLUMN
      REM Fill the list view with Dummy data in BB4W
      T = TIME
      REM FOR col% = 0 TO MAXCOL%
      REM FOR row% = 0 TO MAXROW%
      REM PROCaddtolist(row%, col%, Data$(row%,col%))
      REM NEXT
      REM NEXT
      TT =  TIME-T
      PRINT TT
      T = TIME
      CALL FillListView
      TT =  TIME-T
      PRINT TT
      REM **** PROCEDURES ****
      DEF PROCaddtolist(R%, C%, text$)
      text$ += CHR$0
      lvitem.mask% = 13 : REM LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_STATE | LVIF_PARAM
      lvitem.stateMask% = LVIS_SELECTED
      lvitem.iItem% = R%
      lvitem.iSubItem% = C%
      lvitem.pszText% = !^text$
      lvitem.cchTextMax% = LENtext$
      REM lvitem.lParam% = I% : REM Must Write this parameter for sort to work
      IF C% THEN
        SYS "SendMessage", hList%, &102E, R%, lvitem{} : REM LVM_SETITEMTEXT
        SYS "SendMessage", hList%, &1007, R%, lvitem{} : REM LVM_INSERTITEM
      DEF PROCReSizeColumns(O%)
      LOCAL I%
      FOR I%=0 TO MAXCOL%
        SYS "SendMessage", hList%, LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, I%, O%
      SYS "RedrawWindow", hList% , 0, 0, &101
      DEF PROC_AssembleMachineCode
      LOCAL P%, L%, code%, opt%
      DIM code% 500, L% -1
      FOR opt% = 8 TO 10 STEP 2
        P% = code%
        [OPT opt%
        mov esi, 0
        mov edi, 0
        mov edx, ^Data$(0,0)
        mov ecx, esi
        imul ecx, MAXCOL% + 1
        add ecx, edi
        imul ecx, 6
        mov eax, [edx + ecx]
        mov dword [^lvitem.mask%], 13                   ;REM LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_STATE | LVIF_PARAM
        mov dword [^lvitem.stateMask%], LVIS_SELECTED
        mov dword [^lvitem.iItem%], edi
        mov dword [^lvitem.iSubItem%], esi
        mov dword [^lvitem.pszText%], eax
        mov dword [^lvitem.cchTextMax%], 20             ;REM max text size
        mov dword [^lvitem.lParam%], I%                ;REM Must Write this parameter for sort to work
        cmp esi,0
        je insert
        push lvitem{}
        push edi
        push &102E
        push hList%
        call "SendMessage"
        jmp next
        push lvitem{}
        push edi
        push &1007
        push hList%
        call "SendMessage"
        inc edi
        cmp edi, [^MAXROW%]
        jbe near innerloop
        inc esi
        cmp esi, [^MAXCOL%]
        jbe near outerloop

Re: Turning BB into ASM code
Post by admin on Jun 1st, 2013, 9:58pm

on Jun 1st, 2013, 5:12pm, Matt wrote:
However, it unfortunately only increases the speed by around 5%.

5% is worth having, isn't it? There's no way you are ever going to be able to boost the performance by a large amount, without abandoning the List View altogether and writing your own faster replacement.


Re: Turning BB into ASM code
Post by Matt on Jun 2nd, 2013, 04:45am

on Jun 1st, 2013, 9:58pm, Richard Russell wrote:
5% is worth having, isn't it?

Any increase is worth having, but I was hoping for a far higher one.

There's no way you are ever going to be able to boost the performance by a large amount, without abandoning the List View altogether and writing your own faster replacement.

In the long run, that seems it might be the only way.

Thanks, though.

Re: Turning BB into ASM code
Post by Michael Hutton on Jun 2nd, 2013, 1:49pm

Two things Matt, and I think this will just confirm what Richard has said. If your looking for performance a ListView is not the way to go, but what are you trying to do? Manipulate or view the data? If you you want to manipulate the data do it outside of the list view, if you are just viewing it there is no issue, however long the computer takes to fill it there is no way a human can read it faster.

If you are worried that the program stalls while it is loading the list view then look below as the solution is to create another thread to fill it while you can carry on with the main program. Just for fun I have got the main program to calculate and print out the digits of pi while the worker thread populates the ListView with the data, but I hope you see the important lines are the CreateThread and the WaitForSingleObject.

Does this provide a solution for you?

      REM Demo of filling a ListView Control with Dummy Data
      HIMEM = LOMEM + &1000000
      MODE 8
      REM Install Libraries
      INSTALL @lib$ + "WINLIB5"
      REM!WC Windows Constants
      LVIS_SELECTED = &2
      LVS_REPORT = &1
      REM Define lvitem and lvcolumn structures
      DIM lvitem{mask%,   \
      \   iItem%,         \
      \   iSubItem%,      \
      \   state%,         \
      \   stateMask%,     \
      \   pszText%,       \
      \   cchTextMax%,    \
      \   iImage%,        \
      \   lParam%,        \
      \   iIndent%       }
      DIM column{mask%,  \
      \   fmt%,          \
      \   cx%,           \
      \   pszText%,      \
      \   cchTextMax%,   \
      \   iSubItem%     }
      column.mask% = 15 : REM LVCF_WIDTH | LVCF_SUBITEM | LVCF_FMT | LVCF_TEXT
      REM Define the number of row and columns (includes 0)
      MAXCOL% = 599
      MAXROW% = 599
      REM Create Dummy Data
      DIM Data$(MAXCOL%, MAXROW%)
      FOR col% = 0 TO MAXCOL%
        FOR row% = 0 TO MAXROW%
          Data$(row%,col%) = STR$(row%) + STR$(col%) + CHR$0
      REM Create a list View
      SYS "InitCommonControls"
      hList% = FN_createwindow("SysListView32","",100,100,400,400,0,LVS_REPORT,0) : REM LVS_REPORT
      REM Assemble our machine code routine
      REM Insert the Headers of the list View
      FOR C% = 0 TO MAXCOL%
        head$ = STR$(C%) + CHR$0 = 50
        column.pszText% = !^head$
        column.iSubItem% = C%
        SYS "SendMessage", hList%, &101B, C%, column{} : REM LVM_INSERTCOLUMN
      SYS "CreateThread", 0, 1024, FillListView, 0, 0, 0 TO hThread%
      IF hThread% = 0 THEN ERROR,"Failed to create Thread 1."
      REM Or you could do something like this Matt
      REM I% = 0
      REM I% += 1
      REM PRINT TAB(0,0) "In the meantime I'm going to count to ";I%
      REM SYS "WaitForSingleObject", hThread%, 1 TO R%
      REM UNTIL R% = 0
      f% = 12000
      f% = (f% DIV 4) * 14
      DIM f%(f%)
      f%() = 2000
      a% = 10000
      e% = 0
      FOR c% = f% TO 14 STEP -14
        d% = 0
        FOR b% = c% TO 1 STEP -1
          d% *= b%
          g% = b%*2-1
          d% += f%(b%)*a%
          f%(b%) = d% MOD g%
          d% DIV= g%
        PRINT RIGHT$("000"+STR$(e% + d% DIV a%),4);
        e% = d% MOD a%
        SYS "WaitForSingleObject", hThread%, 1 TO R%
        IF R% = 0 THEN EXIT FOR
      REM **** PROCEDURES ****
      DEF PROCaddtolist(R%, C%, text$)
      text$ += CHR$0
      lvitem.mask% = 13 : REM LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_STATE | LVIF_PARAM
      lvitem.stateMask% = LVIS_SELECTED
      lvitem.iItem% = R%
      lvitem.iSubItem% = C%
      lvitem.pszText% = !^text$
      lvitem.cchTextMax% = LENtext$
      REM lvitem.lParam% = I% : REM Must Write this parameter for sort to work
      IF C% THEN
        SYS "SendMessage", hList%, &102E, R%, lvitem{} : REM LVM_SETITEMTEXT
        SYS "SendMessage", hList%, &1007, R%, lvitem{} : REM LVM_INSERTITEM
      DEF PROCReSizeColumns(O%)
      LOCAL I%
      FOR I%=0 TO MAXCOL%
        SYS "SendMessage", hList%, LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, I%, O%
      SYS "RedrawWindow", hList% , 0, 0, &101
      DEF PROC_AssembleMachineCode
      LOCAL P%, L%, code%, opt%
      DIM code% 500, L% -1
      FOR opt% = 8 TO 10 STEP 2
        P% = code%
        [OPT opt%
        mov esi, 0
        mov edi, 0
        mov edx, ^Data$(0,0)
        mov ecx, esi
        imul ecx, MAXCOL% + 1
        add ecx, edi
        imul ecx, 6
        mov eax, [edx + ecx]
        mov dword [^lvitem.mask%], 13                   ;REM LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_STATE | LVIF_PARAM
        mov dword [^lvitem.stateMask%], LVIS_SELECTED
        mov dword [^lvitem.iItem%], edi
        mov dword [^lvitem.iSubItem%], esi
        mov dword [^lvitem.pszText%], eax
        mov dword [^lvitem.cchTextMax%], 20             ;REM max text size
        mov dword [^lvitem.lParam%], I%                ;REM Must Write this parameter for sort to work
        cmp esi,0
        je insert
        push lvitem{}
        push edi
        push &102E
        push hList%
        call "SendMessage"
        jmp next
        push lvitem{}
        push edi
        push &1007
        push hList%
        call "SendMessage"
        inc edi
        cmp edi, [^MAXROW%]
        jbe near innerloop
        inc esi
        cmp esi, [^MAXCOL%]
        jbe near outerloop

Re: Turning BB into ASM code
Post by Matt on Jun 2nd, 2013, 6:51pm

on Jun 2nd, 2013, 1:49pm, Michael Hutton wrote:
what are you trying to do? Manipulate or view the data? If you you want to manipulate the data do it outside of the list view, if you are just viewing it there is no issue, however long the computer takes to fill it there is no way a human can read it faster.

In reality, it's probably viewing. Any manipulation of the data is already done outside the LV. However, each time manipulation is done, the list needs to be re-listed due to various parameter changes. I will have to consider the idea of threading, as the list needs to be complete for the user to act on any of the items.

With a little change (mainly listing row for row, rather than column for column), your ASM code passes 10,000 lines through in 10 seconds, which is far faster than before.

If you are worried that the program stalls while it is loading the list view then look below as the solution is to create another thread to fill it while you can carry on with the main program... I hope you see the important lines are the CreateThread and the WaitForSingleObject.

Thanks. Much appreciated. I'll examine it and see whether I can implement it.

Re: Turning BB into ASM code
Post by admin on Jun 2nd, 2013, 9:33pm

on Jun 2nd, 2013, 6:51pm, Matt wrote:
In reality, it's probably viewing.

I must support what Michael has said. If you need to display 10,000 items in a List View the design of your user interface is probably not optimal. I would suggest you forget about the speed issue completely, step back, and look at things from the point of view of your final user. A different design of user interface will probably solve the problem without any need for assembler code, multi-threading and so on.

Re: Turning BB into ASM code
Post by Matt on Jun 3rd, 2013, 04:37am

on Jun 2nd, 2013, 9:33pm, Richard Russell wrote:
I must support what Michael has said. If you need to display 10,000 items in a List View the design of your user interface is probably not optimal. I would suggest you forget about the speed issue completely, step back, and look at things from the point of view of your final user. A different design of user interface will probably solve the problem without any need for assembler code, multi-threading and so on.

I'm unsure what you mean by 'A different design...'. There are three ways that I'm aware of that I can list the items: a Listview (tried), a list box (guessing, the same results) and directly in the main or a child window. Would you be suggesting that I try using the third, or is there another way I haven't thought of? Or are you simply suggesting using what I have but in a different way? (Or am I just missing the point of you comment altogether?)


Edit: A thought has just occured to me that I could display the first, say, 1000 items and wait for the user to move down the list to the bottom and than send the next 1000 items. Displaying 1000 items in the normal way (array and send to LV through basic) takes a mere 3 seconds. However, I need to know how to test whether the scroll bar of the Listview is at the bottom. Will investigate.

Edit: This appears to be:
          SYS "GetScrollPos", hlist%, SB_VERT TO hBarPos% 

However, for 1000 items this only goes up to 966. The shortfall appears to be the number of lines on display.

If I can get this working, it will overcome the main time problem.

Thanks to both of you for your input. It has been much appreciated and very enlightening. Please comment further if you can as I feel I'm learning a lot about this (both ASM and LVs)

Re: Turning BB into ASM code
Post by admin on Jun 3rd, 2013, 08:28am

on Jun 3rd, 2013, 04:37am, Matt wrote:
I'm unsure what you mean by 'A different design...'.

I am suggesting that you are presenting the information to the user in the wrong way. You say that you are listing 10,000 items, and that the speed matters. But no human being can assimilate and act upon 10,000 pieces of information presented to him on a screen! How does he find what is relevant and what not? Is he supposed to scroll throught it, or search it, or what?

Surely you can pre-filter the data so that you only display what the user needs to know, or use a different representation (e.g. tree view), or completely re-think the interface.

I suspect you have not spent long enough thinking of the 'human factors', but rather concentrated on the technicaliities.

Re: Turning BB into ASM code
Post by Matt on Jun 3rd, 2013, 4:59pm

on Jun 3rd, 2013, 08:28am, Richard Russell wrote:
You say that you are listing 10,000 items, and that the speed matters. But no human being can assimilate and act upon 10,000 pieces of information presented to him on a screen! How does he find what is relevant and what not? Is he supposed to scroll throught it, or search it, or what?

You're right in that no one can assimilate that amount of data that quickly. However, because of the information presented, the entire list needs to be available for the user. Speed is only important, as the list needs to be accessible for the user pretty quickly in the situation they are in.

Surely you can pre-filter the data so that you only display what the user needs to know, or use a different representation (e.g. tree view), or completely re-think the interface.

A 'tree view' is good idea, but unfortunately not relevant in this program.

I suspect you have not spent long enough thinking of the 'human factors', but rather concentrated on the technicaliities.

The program is a bespoke one that requires this listing to be presented in this type of format. If it were was more generic I would possible agree. [/quote]

Re: Turning BB into ASM code
Post by admin on Jun 3rd, 2013, 5:16pm

on Jun 3rd, 2013, 4:59pm, Matt wrote:
However, because of the information presented, the entire list needs to be available for the user.

I don't mean to be rude, but I don't believe it. There must be a better way. I can understand that all the data needs to be available 'on demand', but surely not presented all at once on tbe screen.? Perhaps you need to speak to somebody with more experience in user interface design. This is not the right forum to seek that kind of advice, and IMHO speeding up the display is absolutely not the solution to your problem.

Re: Turning BB into ASM code
Post by Matt on Jun 3rd, 2013, 7:27pm

on Jun 3rd, 2013, 5:16pm, Richard Russell wrote:
I don't mean to be rude, but I don't believe it.

Thanks for your honest, but the people I'm doing it for do require it this way. The only way I think I can get away with an increase in 'speed' is by passing sections at a time for them to scan down as stated above. As I said, if this had been a more generic program I would agree with you, but it's a bespoke version following a previous pattern of a spreadsheet style that they already use (read only). Changing it's basic format is not an option, unfortunately. As well as listing all records the listing routine is also used for a search facility, listing all the found records. My reason for writing this was to increase the ease by which information can be changed and edited, which is in a seperate part of the program.

speeding up the display is absolutely not the solution to your problem.

As it happens, I now agree with you.

Thanks though.

Re: Turning BB into ASM code
Post by DDRM on Jun 4th, 2013, 09:29am

Hi Matt,

At the risk of teaching my much more experienced grandmother to suck eggs, would an approach like this, using a trackbar, enable you to "fake" the list view within BB4W, so that you can read the selection position using MOUSE?

      INSTALL @lib$+"WINLIB3"
      MODE 20  :REM 800 x 600 pixels
      ON CLOSE PROC_removetrackbar(tb%):PRINT "Closed":END
      ON ERROR PROC_removetrackbar(tb%):END
      REM Set up dummy data
      DIM m$(maxdata%)
      FOR x%=0 TO maxdata%
        m$(x%)="This is the text of message "+STR$(x%)
      NEXT x%
      REM Set up a trackbar to control which bit to look at
        IF temp%<>top% THEN
          PRINT b$
      LOCAL x%,t$
      FOR x%=t% TO b%
      NEXT x%

10,000 lines is a lot to control with a trackbar, but I find that this will just do it on an 800x600 window: moving the trackbar 1 pixel moves the list about 18 components. You could add "single item scroll" arrows (like an up/down control) at the top and bottom to give more fine control if required. If you are prepared to have a 1024x768 window it will probably be nicer: you could have 48 items listed, and the trackbar will be longer, and so more sensitive.

I haven't implemented the selection mechanism, but I'd just use MOUSE (or ON MOUSE), then calculate the offset from top%. That should be quick and reliable.

Obviously doing it this way will mean you will have to do a lot more "graphic design" work to make it look pretty than if you use the Windows controls, but on the other hand you don't have to wait 90 seconds for the list to repopulate....

On the whole, I'm with Richard: 10,000 items in one list is too many, but the customer is king! :-)

Best wishes,

Re: Turning BB into ASM code
Post by Michael Hutton on Jun 4th, 2013, 1:38pm

I like your solution David, very BB4W!

However, each time manipulation is done, the list needs to be re-listed due to various parameter changes.

How much would the Listview change after each manipulation? You could suffer one long period where the listview is being populated first time but then change/update only the information which has changed the next time. This may help to reduce the re-population time if the user is changing things.

(for the life of me I can't imaging the data you are working on. smiley I don't want to appear silly but surely a statistical summary/method for 10,000 different data points is better? Forgive me if I am barking up the wrong tree, but I sometimes deal with massive data sets on an infrequent, but frequent enough, basis).

I would be interested in your solution. Have you thought of using COMLIB, or rather saving the information to a file maybe and viewing it all in another spreadsheet (Eg. Excel)?

Re: Turning BB into ASM code
Post by Matt on Jun 4th, 2013, 9:07pm

on Jun 4th, 2013, 09:29am, DDRM wrote:
At the risk of teaching my much more experienced grandmother to suck eggs, would an approach like this, using a trackbar, enable you to "fake" the list view within BB4W, so that you can read the selection position using MOUSE?

If the implication is that I'm more experienced than you, then I wouldn't bank on it. smiley

Thanks for your input. It's an interesting idea. I will certainly consider it.

Re: Turning BB into ASM code
Post by Matt on Jun 4th, 2013, 9:25pm

on Jun 4th, 2013, 1:38pm, Michael Hutton wrote:
How much would the Listview change after each manipulation? You could suffer one long period where the listview is being populated first time but then change/update only the information which has changed the next time. This may help to reduce the re-population time if the user is changing things.

Most of the time, with the people who use the current version, they simply track up and down the list searching for the right record (illogical perhaps, but reality). Occationally, a search is required. This will create a new list with the selected records. The new program would allow manipulation of the records.

I don't want to appear silly but surely a statistical summary/method for 10,000 different data points is better? Forgive me if I am barking up the wrong tree, but I sometimes deal with massive data sets on an infrequent, but frequent enough, basis).

Have you thought of using COMLIB, or rather saving the information to a file maybe and viewing it all in another spreadsheet (Eg. Excel)?

The current information is viewed in Excel, but it's a very fixed format. That's the main reason for designing a program around the data.

I have to say that I do agree with most of what has been said in this thread, and, as said before, if I were designing it in a more generic way, than I would do it differently. Probably with a hierarchy style (I think Richard suggested this). However, as David said: the customer is king! If I'm going to get the customer to accept it, I'm going to have to follow his main wishes, which is to have something that resembles, on the surface, what is currently being used.

Re: Turning BB into ASM code
Post by admin on Jun 4th, 2013, 10:00pm

on Jun 4th, 2013, 9:25pm, Matt wrote:
I'm going to have to follow his main wishes

If it was me, I wouldn't! At the very least I would attempt to develop, and present to the customer, an alternative approach in addition to what he is currently asking for.


Re: Turning BB into ASM code
Post by Matt on Jun 5th, 2013, 04:55am

on Jun 4th, 2013, 10:00pm, Richard Russell wrote:
If it was me, I wouldn't! At the very least I would attempt to develop, and present to the customer, an alternative approach in addition to what he is currently asking for.

Unfortunatly, I'm not much of a sales person (nor programmer, by the looks of things). I like writing programs, but 'pitching' them to a client is a different matter. This chap I'm doing this for is a old guy, pretty much set in his ways. Although not impossible, teaching an old dog new tricks can sometimes be quite difficult (which occationally, I have to be honest, also includes me!). However, all this talk on variations of the theme, does have me seriously considering other options. I'm going to play around with a non-listview option, similar to what David suggested, and hierarchy style as you did.

