BBC BASIC for Windows
General >> Suggestion Box >> remark suggestion remark suggestion
Post by steini1977 on Mar 6th, 2015, 4:44pm
would be cool to be able to remark serveral lines at one symbol like arduino IDE... /* here and there */
Re: remark suggestion
Post by rtr2 on Mar 6th, 2015, 5:39pm
would be cool to be able to remark serveral lines at one symbol like arduino IDE...
You can automatically comment (or un-comment) multiple lines by selecting them, right-clicking (or using Shift-F10) to bring up the context menu, and then selecting Add REMs or Remove REMs as appropriate. The end result is the same as it would be if you had added individual REMs, but in terms of keyboard or mouse effort it's even simpler than the syntax you listed.
As you may be aware, BBC BASIC (unusually) executes at run-time the very same program you see in the IDE's editor pane - even including the remarks! - so since the interpreter/run-time-engine has no 'multi-line comment' capability the IDE can't provide one either.