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Programming >> Graphics and Games >> GAME: Volatile Vases -ready to play
GAME: Volatile Vases -ready to play
Post by michael on Jan 7th, 2017, 12:37am
It is an executable, yes and its unsigned. But I tested it and it works. (its a pretty simple solo board game)
My very first complete game in 35 years. LOL And it technically only took since the turn of the new year to make it and technically, was maybe no more than 15 hours of hard work.
It is safe to run if you want to try it, even though Windows and Norton will try to stop you from playing it. I need input for the executable, as people who are not IDE friendly will be playing it. I need to find an easy way to sign it.
You will need all the files in the folder. You must extract it and then you should be able to run it after you allow it.
Re: GAME: Volatile Vases -ready to play
Post by DDRM on Jan 7th, 2017, 3:08pm
Hi Michael,
I need more help!
1) What am I trying to do? I sometimes manage to get the red and green boxes right so I can swap two jars, but apart from a brief hiss, nothing seems to happen - I guess because I'm not doing what I should!
2) How can you make it UNset the red and green boxes so you can go somewhere else?
3) Can you make the help turn off again if you click the button again?
Best wishes,
Re: GAME: Volatile Vases -ready to play
Post by michael on Jan 7th, 2017, 11:30pm
I need to make it easier to understand. The help window is too short termed.
How to play Volatile Vases:
The red and green frames must be dragged with the left and right mouse buttons.
Left mouse button controls the red frame, which is the frame that you use to GATHER and to indicate the type vase you want to focus on or move.
The right mouse button is used to drag the green frame, which is the destination frame for swapping vases.
The rule for a swap is that there must be a vase of the same color as the vase you want to move at a 90 degree angle or next to the destination. (but not at a 45* angle..)
Once you have 3 or more of a type of vase lined up, you can GATHER them. In order to gather.. Your RED frame must be at the top of the vertical gathers and to the RIGHT of the horizontal gathers.
Once an area is cleared you can move vases freely in the empty zones to organize a better gather.
I will work on a visual help window that shows possible combinations.
This is a casual player game. Solo board game. I had other ideas, like a creature that you must help get to a destination.. But if it ended up in the wrong area then you would lose. You would have to line up the vases to make a path. That would make it a tough challenge. Of course, I could make it even harder and you would also need to get a minimal area cleared AND get your minion to its destination.
That will probably be on the next version of this game.