BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> Communication and Input/Output >> Unknown origin of error message (cont from Yahoo) Unknown origin of error message (cont from Yahoo)
Post by g3nrw on Sep 21st, 2013, 3:56pm
A few days ago I posted a question in the bb4w Yahoo list about an "Invalid channel" error message. Someone replied saying it was probably a COM open fault, then I replied to Richard. Unfortunately Yahoo thought my reply was spam, so it didn't appear on the list . And now Richard has closed down the list.
So, for completeness, here is my piece of spam ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ___Original Message_________________________________________ From: Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 Time: 09:04:07
>--- In, <> wrote: >> make sure when you open the comport that it is opened! > >I would second that. It is almost certain that the 'Invalid channel' error > >arises because you attempted to open a file or port (with OPENIN or >OPENUP) but didn't check that the returned handle was non-zero. >
It was indeed a failed COM open, which I failed to test. In my defence, yer 'onour, this was version 0.000001 of a proof-of-concept program!
> > Does your program make provision for customizing the COM port number, >for example by storing it in a configuration file or the registry?
The user provides the COM port number in a .ini configuration file. However, this COM port is a virtual port, which depends on VSPE running at the time. If VSPE isn't running, the port doesn't exist. That was the root cause of this particular problem.
More rigorous error checks have now been introduced!
I think this closes the thread.
-- 73 Ian, G3NRW
Re: Unknown origin of error message (cont from Yah
Post by admin on Sep 21st, 2013, 5:42pm
I've not "closed it down" - if I did that there would be a hue-and-cry from users who prefer the email interface, which is not provided by forums like this one.
However I've stopped regularly monitoring the Yahoo! group myself, so (at least temporarily) it can't retain its status as the 'official' BB4W support group.