REM width;height;charwidth,charheight,number of colors,character set VDU 23,22,900;900;8,15,16,1 :REM max width is 1920 and 1440 height status$="" REM Turn off the text cursor _ OFF VDU 5 : REM Treat text as graphics (transparent background) REM Here is where you would make your center image or image that you will make animation around PROCcolor("f",200,200,200) MOVE 1,900:PRINT" Use your mouse and left button to plot locations. (write them down for DATA)" CIRCLE FILL 500,500,50 REM Here is where the locator is REPEAT PROCmoubox UNTIL status$="QUIT" WAIT 0 END REM ***************End of INPUT routine ************ DEF PROCmoubox REM MOUSE b-- 1-rightbttn 2-mid bttn 4-left bttn MOUSE x,y,b * REFRESH OFF IF b=4 OR b=1 THEN PROCpr(10,605,15,"X : "+STR$(x)+" Y :"+STR$(y)+" ",100,100,200):PROCcolor("f",100,100,100):CIRCLE FILL x,y,20 * REFRESH ENDPROC REM ***********************this is my super custom text box tool *********************** REM X,Y,text color,boarder color,message,r,g,b REM ************************************************************************ DEF PROCpr(X,Y,C,msg$,r,g,b) initialx%=LEN(msg$) COLOUR 0,r,g,b GCOL 0 LET tx= X+initialx%+25 LET ty= Y:reduction%=0 reduction%=initialx%/2 reduction%=reduction%*6 IF initialx%<20 THEN reduction%=reduction%/2 initialx%=initialx%*22-reduction% FOR fill=12 TO 48 LINE X-3,Y+20-fill,X+initialx%+8,Y+20-fill NEXT fill COLOUR 0,0,0,0 GCOL 0 MOVE tx,ty PRINT msg$ MOVE 0,0 REM hide that thing ENDPROC REM ******************this is a custom Foreground and Background control tool (too much?) ***************** REM color "F"or"B", r,g,b DEF PROCcolor(fb$,r%,g%,b%) IF fb$="f" OR fb$="F" THEN COLOUR 0,r%,g%,b% : GCOL 0 IF fb$="b" OR fb$="B" THEN COLOUR 1,r%,g%,b% : GCOL 128+1 ENDPROC
REM SET MODE TO 8 USING VDU VDU 22,8 REM SET LINE THICKNESS TO 3 VDU 23,23,3| xx%=0:yy%=0:h%=100:v%=100:sw%=0:s%=0 continue$="":pass%=0 f$="" REM OFF GCOL 1 REPEAT DATA 600,460,590,566,560,650,520,712,466,658,422,584,402,514,396,422,406,362 DATA 426,314,466,270,522,302,560,354,578,402 DATA 3000,3000 READ h%,v% IF h%=3000 THEN RESTORE:READ h%,v%:f$="NO" REPEAT IF xx%<h% THEN xx%=xx%+1 IF yy%<v% THEN yy%=yy%+1 IF xx%>h% THEN xx%=xx%-1 IF yy%>v% THEN yy%=yy%-1 CLG * REFRESH OFF CIRCLE FILL xx%,yy%,30 MOVE 100,100:PRINT xx% MOVE 100,70:PRINT yy% CIRCLE FILL 500,500,50 * REFRESH IF xx%=h% THEN s%=1 IF yy%=v% THEN sw%=1 IF sw%=1 AND s%=1 THEN pass%=1 UNTIL pass%=1 pass%=0:s%=0:sw%=0 UNTIL continue$="done" END