REM REM A Machine Code "Hello World" REM DIM code% 47 FOR pass%=0 TO 2 STEP 2 P%=code% [ OPT pass% .helloworld call WriteInlineString db "Hello World" db 0 ret ;REM by Jon Ripley .WriteInlineString xchg eax,[esp] push edx mov edx,eax .Writeloop mov al, [edx] inc edx cmp al,0 jz Writeend call "oswrch" jmp Writeloop .Writeend mov eax,edx pop edx xchg eax,[esp] ret ] NEXT pass% CALL helloworld
S%=RND(-13565653) : FOR I%=0 TO 4 : PRINT CHR$(64+RND(26)); : NEXT PRINT " "; S%=RND(-1353613) : FOR I%=0 TO 4 : PRINT CHR$(64+RND(26)); : NEXT PRINT