BBC BASIC for Windows
IDE and Compiler >> Integrated Development Environment >> Paste Unicode utility

Paste Unicode utility
Post by admin on Apr 2nd, 2010, 09:57am

BBC BASIC for Windows provides native support for the Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane, using UTF-8 encoding. UTF-8 text may be incorporated in BB4W programs as constant strings or in DATA statements, although it won't display correctly in the editor. However, getting such text into a program is not straightforward!

I have written a new add-in utility which implements a Paste Unicode facility. Using that utility you can simply copy foreign language text (in any alphabet) onto the clipboard, for example directly from a web page or a Word document, and then paste it into a BB4W program as UTF-8:

Just as when pasting ANSI text, you should always type the initial quote character, or the DATA, before pasting the text to avoid high-bit-set characters being interpreted as keywords.

This utility requires version 5.91a of BB4W, because it relies on the revised (standard) behaviour of the EM_REPLACESEL message.
