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Topic: Regional date format & fonts (Read 290 times) |
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Regional date format & fonts
« Thread started on: Aug 21st, 2012, 11:59am » |
In Europe dates are in order: dd/mm/yy In USA dates are mm/dd/yy. And in some EU countries there are two dots or small circle above a, o A O. In some cases date order makes an important role since date like 02/12/2012 can be interpreted as 2nd of Dec 2012 (EU) or 12th of Feb 2012 (USA).
What is the method to clarify -as part of the bbc4w codes -the 'region' setting of windows computers, into which one wants to install bbc4w programs. Ref There are code written by Richard that tells to you for example locations of op sys "special files" or there is a code to find out name of the Win op sys that user employs. I cannot find from helps advice, how to feed into a real time BBC4W program flow the relevant format of user's Windows region &date, ie the computer into into which I need to install an application , that is dependent on the order of the users' regional date format. Also similar problem might be investications on desimal separator a user has -for example "," or "." .
Greetings Dynamic35
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Re: Regional date format & fonts
« Reply #1 on: Aug 22nd, 2012, 05:47am » |
Code referenced in above story So, I would like also to find the date format of the PC . If you have that wisedom please modify my program down here MODE 12 CLS PRINT " PC type and special Microsoft folders" PROCgetversion2 PRINT " OpSys="; D$; " (MS-id=";A%;B%;C%;")" PRINT " Windows Directory =";FNwindowsdirectory PRINT " System Directory=";FNsystemdirectory PRINT " FolderId" REM my XP sp3 22.08.12 id%=-1 REPEAT id%=id%+1 spex$=FNspecialfolder(id%) IF LENspex$ > 2 PRINT id%,TAB(14); spex$ UNTIL id% = 99 REM missing: a function to search date format (dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy) that is active now END REM 3 routines based on RR public samples DEF FNwindowsdirectory LOCAL T% DIM T% LOCAL 260 SYS "GetWindowsDirectory", T%, 260 = $$T% + "\" DEF FNsystemdirectory LOCAL T% DIM T% LOCAL 260 SYS "GetSystemDirectory", T%, 260 = $$T% + "\" DEF PROCgetversion2 LOCAL osvi{} DIM osvi{Size%, \ Size of structure \ Major%, \ Major version number \ Minor%, \ Minor Version number \ Build%, \ Build number \ Platform%, \ Platform ID \ SP&(127) \ Service Pack string \ } osvi.Size% = 148 SYS "GetVersionEx", osvi{} A% = osvi.Major% B% = osvi.Minor% C% = osvi.Platform% D$="Unknown OpSystem" IF A%=4 AND B%=0 AND C%=1 THEN D$="Windows 95" IF A%=4 AND B%=10 AND C%=1 THEN D$= "Windows 98" IF A%=4 AND B%=90 AND C%=1 THEN D$= "Windows Me" IF A%=4 AND C%=2 THEN D$="Windows NT4" IF A%=5 AND B%=1 AND C%=2 THEN D$="Windows XP" IF A%=5 AND B%=0 AND C%=2 THEN D$="Windows 2000" IF A%=6 AND B%=1 AND C%=2 THEN D$= "Windows 7" IF A%=6 AND B%=0 AND C%=2 THEN D$= "Windows Vista" ENDPROC DEF FNspecialfolder(id%) LOCAL ppidl%, folder%, malloc% DIM folder% LOCAL 255 SYS "SHGetSpecialFolderLocation", @hwnd%, id%, ^ppidl% SYS "SHGetPathFromIDList", ppidl%, folder% SYS "SHGetMalloc", ^malloc% SYS !(!malloc%+20), malloc%, ppidl% = $$folder% + "\"
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Re: Regional date format & fonts
« Reply #2 on: Aug 22nd, 2012, 08:35am » |
on Aug 21st, 2012, 11:59am, dynamic35 wrote:What is the method to clarify -as part of the bbc4w codes -the 'region' setting of windows computers, into which one wants to install bbc4w programs. |
Use the GetLocaleInfo API:
DIM DateFormat{text&(80)}
\ DateFormat{}, DIM(DateFormat{})
PRINT "The user's date format is " DateFormat.text&()
DIM DecimalSep{text&(4)}
\ DecimalSep{}, DIM(DecimalSep{})
PRINT "The user's decimal separator is " DecimalSep.text&() GetLocaleInfo will return all sorts of other region-dependent settings. Check MSDN for details.
Quote:I cannot find from helps advice, how to feed into a real time BBC4W program flow the relevant format of user's Windows region &date |
The GetDateFormat API by default formats the date according to the user's preferences:
DIM Date{text&(80)}
\ Date{}, DIM(Date{})
PRINT Date.text&() You can alternatively specify DATE_SHORTDATE.
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Re: Regional date format & fonts
« Reply #3 on: Aug 22nd, 2012, 10:41am » |
Excellent. Thank you very much , again Dyna