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BB4W on an ARM-based PC/mobile device
Post by David Williams on Dec 20th, 2016, 2:39pm

Take a look at this Tweet from @windowsdev which links to a video:

Just found the same video on YouTube:

Read more about it here:

Unless I'm mistaken, there is now a very real possibility that BB4W programs will run pretty well on systems running ARM-based Windows 10, thanks in large part to what appears to be very efficient (and transparent) emulation. Of course, since emulation is involved, performance is going to take a hit, but then ARM chips seem to be getting faster by the month! Qualcomm's Snapdragon 835 looks to be quite a beast.


Re: BB4W on an ARM-based PC/mobile device
Post by michael on Dec 21st, 2016, 12:34am

Don't forget that the raspberry pie (from the UK) is based on ARM tech and is a micro controller and a pc all in one.

It is dirt cheap also.

I have seen a video of a person utilizing it with BBC Basic

Re: BB4W on an ARM-based PC/mobile device
Post by David Williams on Dec 21st, 2016, 01:06am

on Dec 21st, 2016, 12:34am, michael wrote:
Don't forget that the raspberry pie (from the UK) is based on ARM tech and is a micro controller and a pc all in one.

It is dirt cheap also.

I have seen a video of a person utilizing it with BBC Basic

Indeed, I am the proud owner of a Raspberry Pi 2, running the 'RISC OS Pi' operating system, although it's been many months since I last booted the thing up.

It will be of limited interest here, but here is my web page of programs written in (mostly) ARM BBC BASIC V for the R-Pi 2:

And here's two YouTube videos of some of my programs in action (all run on the R-Pi 2):

Anyway, running BB4W under Windows 10 on an ARM-based device, despite the inevitable performance hit due to emulation (although I don't know how severe the penalty will be), is an interesting development IMHO.
