BBC BASIC for Windows
IDE and Compiler >> Tools and Utilities >> 3D EDITOR (merged into 1 screen)OCT 2

3D EDITOR (merged into 1 screen)OCT 2
Post by michael on Sep 25th, 2017, 05:22am

The two versions are being kept separate so as to not confuse people.

Main working project link:!AmYwmTjbmULXlk6aqoCN6Bb9IjdE

Upcoming flashing screen solution:

After coming up with a plan, I decided to make the 3D renderer display the controls using a texture and for the first time on BBC Basic, I will create the first rendered buttons that function.

Although this goes against what I was suggested to do, I know that in the end, this will be the better product. ( it will need to be used on BBC4W, but the FVF file will be able to be exported to other platforms.