BBC BASIC for Windows
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Other learner programmer resources
Post by ady on Nov 1st, 2015, 11:30am
Many of us who use BB4W are coding newbies looking at what we can achieve with our limited knowledge and ability
Time can also be a big factor in our lives
Sometimes BB4W is perfect for a particular task but sometimes it simply doesn't have the grunt to do a huge number crunching project and we have to look elsewhere
I have used this c++ package recently and like BB4W it is almost idiot proof
The code generated is virtually asm level solution stuff so it runs extremely fast but you don't need to learn asm programming
It took me 3 years to achieve a basic ability with asm, which I combined with BB4W to do things.
I managed to get this program producing useful stuff within a week on my 32bit XP system, all my previous attempts at c/c++ had been crippleware or too complicated and I had no previous experience of doing c
The one that worked for me was version