REM Set up a 640 x 512 pixel window and clear it to black REM This mode gives us 80 characters wide and 32 deep MODE 8 REM Set up player's initial position, in characters playerx%=40 playery%=16 REPEAT PRINT TAB(playerx%,playery%)," " :REM Clear out last position t$=INKEY$(0) :REM check keyboard for instructions to move player CASE t$ OF WHEN "z","Z":playerx%-=1 WHEN "x","X":playerx%+=1 WHEN "a","A":playery%+=1 WHEN "q","Q":playery%-=1 ENDCASE PRINT TAB(playerx%,playery%),"O" :REM Draw player in new position WAIT 5 :REM Wait a while (partly to give your processor a rest!) UNTIL playerx%<0 OR playerx%>79 OR playery%<0 OR playery%>31