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A Game never seen before on a computer/game board
Post by michael on Apr 7th, 2016, 10:19pm
I have decided to work on a special type of game. Not really ever meant to be on a computer or board game, and not seen since the 70s and 80s.
It is a surprise.
If you are as old as me and you know what kind of game it brings back, I think you will like it.
Re: A Game never seen before on a computer/game bo
Post by ady on Apr 7th, 2016, 11:22pm
Is it a book or a film?
Re: A Game never seen before on a computer/game bo
Post by michael on Apr 7th, 2016, 11:55pm
It still would require a lot of work. And the way its showcased is important. So it will probably take me a very long time to do it. But I think I have enough skill in this language to pull it off. There will be a starter version for those who want to try it when it is completed.
Re: A Game never seen before on a computer/game bo
Post by Wildmooer on Apr 24th, 2016, 11:32am
What book is not really ever meant to be on a computer or board game?
Re: A Game never seen before on a computer/game bo
Post by Ric on Aug 27th, 2016, 8:42pm
Have you got anywhere near your starter version yet?
Can you give a hint as to what the book is?
Re: A Game never seen before on a computer/game bo
Post by michael on Aug 27th, 2016, 10:26pm
Well actually the template for one version is on Richards forum in General.
But the choose your own adventure version is, like everything else slowly advancing. As I only have weekends to work on them.
I have made a few short game snippets, and plan to focus on a proper game. The biggest part of it is managing the graphics presentation.
I have seen a few text only games and, well its long past those years when that type of game was inviting.
Even a proper book would need a nice text layout and texture if it was on a computer.
I wrote 2 books years ago. There are no images, but the words are quite graphic. I am choosing between them which one would be fitting.
One is about a mad scientist in the future when most the world is starving/dying and he finally creates an expanded space foam gateway, hopefully taking him and you the first person reader with him, but things don't go as planned.
I get the most done on Monday nights, as the urgency of completing something increases as work day Tuesday nears. But the biggest distraction for me is World Of Warcraft. It does make me put off a lot of things. I am trying to find a balance.