BBC BASIC for Windows
General >> Suggestion Box >> Add middle mouse button scroll functionality

Add middle mouse button scroll functionality
Post by Michael Hutton on Nov 13th, 2010, 12:51pm

Hi Richard,

Feature request:

I was wondering how 'easy' it would be to add the scroll function you see with for example IE* when you press the middle mouse button and use the mouse to scroll up and down a program in the IDE.

Just a feature which may or may not be easy to implement but some may find useful.

Re: Add middle mouse button scroll functionality
Post by admin on Nov 13th, 2010, 5:07pm

on Nov 13th, 2010, 12:51pm, Michael Hutton wrote:
I was wondering how 'easy' it would be to add the scroll function you see with for example IE* when you press the middle mouse button and use the mouse to scroll up and down a program in the IDE.

I really have no idea; I never use that feature myself. I would guess it could be quite difficult to match the behaviour of IE etc., which would be important to avoid it feeling 'wrong'. You're the only person ever to have suggested it, as far as I can recall.

The structure of the BB4W editor would make it quite tricky to implement the feature whereby moving the mouse leaves behind a 'greyed out' version of the cursor, which stays where the mouse was when the middle button was clicked (unless there's support for that at the OS level, which I'm not aware of).

Incidentally, since Rich Edit Controls support the middle-button scroll feature you get it for free with Module Viewer, but of course only for the INSTALLed modules, not the main program!

Re: Add middle mouse button scroll functionality
Post by KenDown on Nov 10th, 2011, 09:37am

The discussion has long moved on, no doubt, but for future reference if anyone is interested:

If you press the middle scroll wheel (ie. click with it) it generates the same code as the Acorn mouse. Thus


would return a value of b%=2

However if you rotate the middle scroll wheel, then this generates the codes 140 and 141 which can be picked up with


and it is up to your program to take the appropriate action for those codes.