BBC BASIC for Windows
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Win a Raspberry Pi (and other prizes)
Post by dfeugey on Sep 6th, 2015, 06:02am

we're happy to launch the second edition of our BBC Basic contest.

This time, it is dedicated to the development of new software written in BBC Basic, for:
- RISC OS (Sophie Wilson's BBC Basic);
- Windows (Richard Russel's BBC Basic for Windows);
- Unix (Brandy or other GPL interpreters);
- or even for the Acorn 8bit computers.
The competition is open until the end of November, with winners selected mid-December.

* 1st prize: a Raspberry Pi Model B+ under RISC OS, fully equipped
* 2nd prize: a license of BBC Basic for Windows
* 3rd to 5th prize: the "55 BBC Micro Books" CD-Rom
The prizes can not be exchanged against cash. They will be sent to the winners within two weeks.

Software can be of any type: tools, games, demos, screensavers, libraries, examples, etc. The selection is based on the quality and quantity of code provided (all your contributions are taken into account). To be accepted, the software must be written in Basic. ASM and system calls are accepted if they are not the core of the software. The source code must be free for all uses. No license, no copyright. Public domain only, as we wish to build a public library of code. Nota: republished software under public domain will be accepted.

You can now send your contributions to the address
Good luck! And see you soon on