on Sep 19th, 2010, 3:23pm, wyzeowl wrote:My problem is the incoming data is stored in an array but to process it i need it as a string. Any thoughts anybody |
I know it's not exactly answering the question, but could you not store it in a string to start with? Something like:
Code: serial$ += CHR$(BGET#chan%)
If you really must convert a byte array to a string (and this will only work with a byte array, not an integer array) then - assuming there is at least one empty element after the true end of the string - you can use:
If necessary empty the array before you start filling it again:
Here's a test program:
Code: DIM array&(255)
array&() = &54,&65,&73,&74
string$ = $$^array&(0)
PRINT string$