BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> Sound, Music and Video >> Other voices

Other voices
Post by Edja on Apr 16th, 2014, 10:50am

I 've integrated some spoken messages in my application based on the code of SPEAK.BBC that I found in the BB4W 'EXAMPLES" directory and also the code of "Speaking the contents of a file" (from the WIKI) . From a technical point: it works fine ! ... in english.
It's quite funny/silly though when the underlying text is in dutch. This is, of course, not BB4W's fault.

I've checked with "Listing available voices" (from the WIKI) to find other voices, but under WIN7 I can only find "Microsoft Anna". Is this really all there is ?

I'd like to use a male voice (no trace found of "Microsoft Sam")
And, even more interesting: a dutch voice or, preferably, a flemish voice. There is a difference, but a dutch voice will do, if flemish not available
Would someone knowEddy
Re: Other voices
Post by rtr on Apr 18th, 2014, 08:56am

on Apr 16th, 2014, 10:50am, Edja wrote:
And, even more interesting: a dutch voice or, preferably, a flemish voice.

A Google search finds at least one Dutch voice (not Flemish, that I can see) but most if not all are paid-for products rather than free. Search for 'SAPI5 dutch', but one word of caution - it was whilst browsing one of those sites that my PC died, possibly as a result of malware downloaded from the page.

Re: Other voices
Post by Edja on Apr 18th, 2014, 10:00am

my PC died, possibly as a result of malware downloaded from the page
We must have hit the same page. I had a similar experience and immediatly received several Trojan Horse warnings from my antivirus tool. The 'alledged' virusses were put under quarantine and deleted. No harm done. But since then I have been searching the web for other (free) Dutch voices without success.