BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> Database and Files >> monitoring a file for changes

monitoring a file for changes
Post by David46 on Dec 30th, 2009, 6:14pm

I need to monitor a text file which is being periodically re-written by another program, and when the contents change, read the new contents, perform some actions, and return to monitoring it for the next change. I also need to have a timeout on the monitoring loop, and perform another action at timeout before returning to the monitoring loop.

The first possibility I can think of is to loop, trying to open the specific file for update, until I can't, then keep testing until I can, and so assume that it has been changed, and read the contents. This seems a bit clumsy and potentially CPU-time intensive.

There seem to be some Windows (API?) functions that could do this for me - perhaps "FindFirstChangeNotification" and "WaitForSingleObject" but I am not sure how these are to be used from BB4W.

In this particular application, the file I'm interested in is the only object in the folder, and the filename is always the same, so only detecting a "change in a folder" would be just as good, if this is easier.


Re: monitoring a file for changes
Post by admin on Dec 30th, 2009, 10:29pm

There seem to be some Windows (API?) functions that could do this for me - perhaps "FindFirstChangeNotification" and "WaitForSingleObject" but I am not sure how these are to be used from BB4W.

Yes, that is the most elegant solution and those API functions pose no particular difficulties as regards being called from BB4W. The code below works for me.


      ON CLOSE PROCcleanup : QUIT
      ON ERROR SYS "MessageBox", @hwnd%, REPORT$, 0, 0 : PROCcleanup : QUIT
      folder$ = "C:\Program Files"
      SYS "FindFirstChangeNotification", folder$, FALSE, \
      IF hNotify% = -1 ERROR 100, "FindFirstChangeNotification failed"
      timeout% = 100 : REM 0.1 second
        SYS "WaitForSingleObject", hNotify%, timeout% TO result%
        IF result% = 0 THEN
          PRINT "A file was changed"
          SYS "FindNextChangeNotification", hNotify%
        REM Do something else if required
      DEF PROCcleanup
      hNotify% += 0 : IF hNotify% SYS "FindCloseChangeNotification", hNotify%