BBC BASIC for Windows
General >> General Board >> Introduction

Post by specsdude on Mar 18th, 2011, 3:08pm

Hello World!

I'm David Seeber, a 'convert' from Just Basic, (Liberty Basic free edition), and after having been shown BB4W, I can safely say that it is the most powerful, yet easy to use programming language I have ever come across!

I'd just like to say Hi to all the members here- I already know Richard Russel, and Gordon Sweet from JB Forums, but everybody else is I think new..

I started programming BBC on an old Acorn Electron 3000, and had a lot of fun! I tried my hand at a text RPG, but didn't get very far. Now having met BB4W and discovering its (limitless?) potential, I'm now aiming to eventually create a 3D shooter, either with D3D or using sin,cos the old-fashioned way.

I'm sure I'll have lots of obvious questions about BB4W, so get ready. For now I'd just like to clarify one thing- which site is the most widely used for communication between programmers? I've found the Yahoo Group for BB4W, is that more popular than this forum? Are there any other sites?

Thanks very much,

Re: Introduction
Post by admin on Mar 18th, 2011, 3:36pm

on Mar 18th, 2011, 3:08pm, specsdude wrote:
I've found the Yahoo Group for BB4W, is that more popular than this forum? Are there any other sites?

The Yahoo Group is more popular than this forum, but I don't really know why. Possibly people like the fact that Yahoo will deliver group messages by email, if configured that way, rather than needing the web page to be visited.

Personally I think this forum has some advantages. The division into topics and the threading are much more sophisticated than what Yahoo offers, and it's far better for embedding code into messages.

There are a couple of other places where BB4W users gather, but they are little used at present. For example you can leave comments, ask questions and send messages on the BB4W Wiki:

There's also a Facebook page:
