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 thread  Author  Topic: Letting GCC do the hard work  (Read 1769 times)
David Williams

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xx Letting GCC do the hard work
« Thread started on: Aug 2nd, 2014, 6:26pm »

You should be able to copy & paste the following code into the BB4W IDE and run it. The point of posting this here is not really the pretty graphics, but to show how some code was written in C (of which I have practically no experience), compiled to produce an assembly language dump which was subsequently 'imported' into BB4W (worked first time after some necessary modifications!). Big time saver. Enjoy.

      REM WavePlasma6 // 02-08-2014
      *ESC OFF
      *FLOAT 64
      ON ERROR PROCError(REPORT$ + " at line " + STR$ERL)
      HIMEM = PAGE + 10*&100000
      R% = RND(-7109271) : REM Seed BB4W's PRNG

      Delay% = TRUE

      ScrW% = 512
      ScrH% = 512
      VDU 23,22,ScrW%;ScrH%;8,16,16,0 : OFF
      dibs% = FNCreateDIBSection

      GetTickCount% = FNSYS_NameToAddress("GetTickCount")
      InvalidateRect% = FNSYS_NameToAddress("InvalidateRect")
      Sleep% = FNSYS_NameToAddress("Sleep")

      gridW% = ScrW%
      gridH% = ScrH%
      gridSz% = 8*gridW%*gridH% : REM Grid size in bytes
      DIM hMap%  gridSz%+8 : hMap% =(hMap% +7) AND -8
      DIM hMap2% gridSz%+8 : hMap2%=(hMap2%+7) AND -8
      DIM vMap%  gridSz%+8 : vMap% =(vMap% +7) AND -8

      colTabSz% = 10000
      DIM colTab% 4*(colTabSz% + 1)
      colTab%=(colTab%+3) AND -4

      MaxExciters% = 8
      DIM exciter{( MaxExciters%-1 ) active%, x%, y%, \
      \ amp, theta, dtheta, life%, dying%}



      REM Clear the grids
      FOR I%=hMap%  TO hMap%+gridSz%-1  STEP 8:|I% = 0.0:NEXT
      FOR I%=hMap2% TO hMap2%+gridSz%-1 STEP 8:|I% = 0.0:NEXT
      FOR I%=vMap%  TO vMap%+gridSz%-1  STEP 8:|I% = 0.0:NEXT

      dampTheta# = 0.0
      dampDTheta# = 0.0001
      dampAmp# = 0.05
      scale# = 0.05
      hDamp# = 0.1
      first% = TRUE
      frame% = 0
      SYS GetTickCount% TO time0%
        FOR I% = 0 TO MaxExciters%-1
          IF exciter{(I%)}.active% THEN
            X% = exciter{(I%)}.x%
            Y% = exciter{(I%)}.y%
            |(hMap% + 8*(Y%*gridW% + X%)) = \
            \ 1.0# * exciter{(I%)}.amp * SIN(exciter{(I%)}.theta)
            exciter{(I%)}.theta += exciter{(I%)}.dtheta
            IF exciter{(I%)}.life% > 0 THEN
              exciter{(I%)}.dying% = TRUE
            IF exciter{(I%)}.dying% THEN
              exciter{(I%)}.amp -= 1
              IF exciter{(I%)}.amp <= 0 THEN
                exciter{(I%)}.active% = FALSE
                |(vMap% + 8*(Y%*gridW% + X%)) = 0.0
            IF first%=TRUE OR RND(2500)=1 THEN
              IF first% THEN first% = FALSE
              exciter{(I%)}.active% = TRUE
              exciter{(I%)}.x% = RND(gridW%)-2
              exciter{(I%)}.y% = RND(gridH%)-2
              exciter{(I%)}.amp = 100+RND(800)
              exciter{(I%)}.theta = 0
              IF RND(10) > 1 THEN
                exciter{(I%)}.dtheta = 0.01 * RND(1)
                exciter{(I%)}.dtheta = 0.005 * RND(1)
              exciter{(I%)}.life% = 500+RND(1000)
              exciter{(I%)}.dying% = FALSE
        NEXT I%
        hDamp# = 1.0#*(0.01+dampAmp#*ABSSIN(dampTheta#))
        dampTheta# += dampDTheta#
        SYS Wave, gridW%, gridH%, hMap%, hMap2%, vMap%, ^scale#, ^hDamp#
        SYS DWordCopy, hMap2%, hMap%, 2*gridW%*gridH%
        CALL DrawHMap
        SYS InvalidateRect%, @hwnd%, 0, 0
        IF Delay% THEN SYS Sleep%, 2
        frame% += 1
        SYS GetTickCount% TO time1%
        IF time1%-time0% >= 1000 THEN
          SYS "SetWindowText", @hwnd%, STR$frame% + " fps"
          SYS GetTickCount% TO time0%
          frame% = 0

      DEF PROCFillColourTable
      LOCAL I%,r%,g%,b%
      LOCAL t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6
      LOCAL dt1, dt2, dt3, dt4, dt5, dt6
      FOR I% = 0 TO colTabSz%-1
        r% = 128+127*SIN(t1)*SIN(t2)
        g% = 128+127*SIN(t3)*SIN(t4)
        b% = 128+127*SIN(t5)*SIN(t6)
        colTab%!(4*I%) = r%*&10000 + g%*&100 + b%
      NEXT I%

      DEF PROCAssembleCode
      LOCAL P%, code%, pass%, gap1%, gap2%
      LOCAL LC3, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7, L8
      LOCAL L9, L10, L11, L12, L13, L14, L15, L16, L17
      LOCAL fsgn
      DIM gap1% 4095, code% 512, gap2% 4095
      FOR pass%=0 TO 2 STEP 2
        [OPT pass%
        sub esp, 16
        mov ebp, dibs%
        mov esi, colTab%
        xor edx, edx         ; Y loop index
        xor ecx, ecx         ; X loop index
        mov ebx, edx         ; copy Y
        imul ebx, gridW%     ; Y*gridW
        add ebx, ecx         ; Y*gridW + X
        shl ebx, 3           ; 8*(Y*gridW + X)
        add ebx, hMap%       ; hMap%+8*(Y*gridW + X)
        fld QWORD [ebx]      ; = h
        fistp DWORD [esp]    ; = h%
        mov edi, [esp]       ; EDI = h%
        add edi, colTabSz%DIV2 ; colTabSz%DIV2 + h%
        mov eax, [esi + 4*edi] ; get colour
        mov [ebp], eax
        add ebp, 4
        add ecx, 1
        cmp ecx, gridW%
        jl xlp
        add edx, 1
        cmp edx, gridH%
        jl ylp
        add esp, 16
        ; srcAddr, destAddr, numDWORDs
        ; ESP+36 = srcAddr
        ; ESP+40 = destAddr
        ; ESP+44 = numDWORDs
        mov esi, [esp + 36]
        mov edi, [esp + 40]
        mov ecx, [esp + 44]
        rep movsd
        ret 12
        ;REM =========================================================
        ;REM The following assembler code was generated by the GCC
        ;REM (GNU C Compiler) with some modifications to make it
        ;REM compatible with BB4W's assembler
        ;REM =========================================================
        fld QWORD PTR [esp+4]
        mov eax, 1
        fxch st1
        db &DB : db (&E8 + 1) ;REM fucomi st0, st1
        jbe L5
        fstp st0
        fstp st0
        fxch st1
        xor eax, eax
        db &DF : db (&E8 + 1) ;REM fucomip st0, st1
        fstp st0
        seta al
        neg eax
        push ebp
        push edi
        push esi
        push ebx
        sub esp, 36
        mov edi, DWORD [esp+60]
        mov eax, DWORD [esp+56]
        mov edx, DWORD [esp+64]
        mov DWORD [esp+8], 1
        mov ebp, DWORD [esp+80]
        sub edi, 2
        fld DWORD [LC3]
        mov DWORD [esp+20], edi
        lea edi, [eax*8]
        mov DWORD [esp+12], edx
        mov edx, eax
        sub eax, 2
        mov DWORD [esp+4], eax
        mov eax, DWORD [esp+20]
        mov esi, edi
        sal edx, 4
        mov DWORD [esp+16], edi
        add esi, DWORD [esp+72]
        add edi, DWORD [esp+68]
        cmp DWORD [esp+8], eax
        mov DWORD [esp+24], edx
        jge near L17
        add DWORD [esp+8], 1
        cmp DWORD [esp+4], 1
        jle near L9
        mov ebx, DWORD [esp+12]
        mov eax, 1
        mov edx, DWORD [esp+24]
        fld st0
        add edx, ebx
        mov ecx, edx
        mov DWORD [esp], edx
        sub ecx, DWORD [esp+16]
        jmp L12
        fstp st1
        fmul QWORD [ebp+0]
        add ecx, 8
        add DWORD [esp], 8
        add ebx, 8
        cmp eax, DWORD [esp+4]
        fsubp st1, st0
        fstp QWORD [edi+8*eax-8]
        je L18
        mov edx, DWORD [esp]
        add eax, 1
        fld QWORD [ecx+8]
        fld QWORD [edx]
        fadd QWORD [edx+8]
        fadd QWORD [edx+16]
        mov edx, DWORD [esp+76]
        fadd QWORD [ecx]
        fadd QWORD [ecx+16]
        fadd QWORD [ebx]
        fadd QWORD [ebx+8]
        fadd QWORD [ebx+16]
        fld st1
        fmul st0, st3
        fsubp st1, st0
        fmul QWORD [edx]
        fadd QWORD [esi+8*eax-8]
        fst QWORD [esi+8*eax-8]
        faddp st1, st0
        fxch st1
        db &DB : db (&E8 + 1) ;REM fucomi st0, st1
        ja L14
        fxch st1
        xor edx, edx
        db &DF : db (&E8 + 1) ;REM fucomip st0, st1
        seta dl
        neg edx
        mov DWORD [esp+28], edx
        fild DWORD [esp+28]
        jmp L10
        fstp st0
        mov eax, DWORD [esp+16]
        add DWORD [esp+12], eax
        add edi, eax
        add esi, eax
        mov eax, DWORD [esp+20]
        cmp DWORD [esp+8], eax
        jl near L13
        fstp st0
        jmp L16
        fstp st0
        add esp, 36
        pop ebx
        pop esi
        pop edi
        pop ebp
        .LC3 dd 1090519040
      NEXT pass%

      LOCAL A%,B%,H%,O%
      DIM B% 19:!B%=44:B%!4=@vdu%!208:B%!8=@vdu%!212:B%!12=&200001
      IF H%=0 PROCError("Create DIBSection failed")

      DEF FNSYS_NameToAddress(f$)
      LOCALP%:DIMP%LOCAL5:[OPT 0:call f$:]:=P%!-4+P%

      DEF PROCFixWndSz
      LOCAL W%
      SYS"GetWindowLong",@hwnd%,-16 TO W%
      SYS"SetWindowLong",@hwnd%,-16,W% ANDNOT&40000 ANDNOT&10000

      DEF PROCError(s$)
      CLS : ON : VDU 7
      PRINT '" " + s$;
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xx Re: Letting GCC do the hard work
« Reply #1 on: Aug 2nd, 2014, 9:11pm »

on Aug 2nd, 2014, 6:26pm, David Williams wrote:
You should be able to copy & paste the following code into the BB4W IDE and run it.

Perhaps worth mentioning that GCC's use of the fucomi and fucomip instructions means that the code requires a P6 (e.g. Pentium Pro) or later CPU, although it's pretty unlikely that anybody will still be running something older.

If this is an issue (or simply to avoid the DBs) you can encode equivalent instructions as follows:

      fucom st1 : push eax : fstsw ax : sahf : pop eax ;REM fucomi st0, st1
      fucomp st1 : push eax : fstsw ax : sahf : pop eax ;REM fucomip st0, st1 

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David Williams

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Posts: 452
xx Re: Letting GCC do the hard work
« Reply #2 on: Aug 2nd, 2014, 10:36pm »

on Aug 2nd, 2014, 9:11pm, Richard Russell wrote:
      fucom st1 : push eax : fstsw ax : sahf : pop eax ;REM fucomi st0, st1
      fucomp st1 : push eax : fstsw ax : sahf : pop eax ;REM fucomip st0, st1 

Thanks, noted. I can perhaps see why fucomi & fucomip are employed in the fsgn() function (returns as an integer the sign of a double), but they crop up again outside that function, in the inner loop, where no comparisons (in the source code) are performed (loop iterators excepted). GCC knows best, I suppose. It's quite brain-melting, I find, trying to understand GCC's generated assembler code.

I haven't yet substituted your equivalent encodings for fucomi & fucomip, but I'm a bit curious to see the likely time penalty (not that it matters because the code is not intended for real-time use; I'm generating frames for a YouTube video).

For completeness, for those that might be curious, I'll include my 'wet-behind-the-ears' C source below.

I think I'll be doing a fair amount of hybrid C/BB4W stuff over the next year or so, time permitting.

Thanks again.


// A beginner's attempt at some C
// Not intended to be run 'standalone' (doesn't do anything)
// Intended that the resulting assembler code be exported to BB4W

/* might be worth implementing fsgn() inline */
int fsgn(double n){
	if (n > 0.0) return 1;
	if (n < 0.0) return -1;
	return 0;

void Wave(int W, int H, double *hMap, double *hMap2, double *vMap,
          double *scale, double *hDamp){
	/* W and H are the grid/map width and height respectively */
	int x, y, yp1w, ym1w, yw, ywpx, xm1, xp1;
	double hSum, sumHDiff, h, v;

	hSum = 0.0;
	for (y=1; y<H-2; y++){

	    /* pre-calc. some frequently accessed values (array indices) */
		yp1w = (y+1)*W;
		ym1w = (y-1)*W;
		yw = y*W;

		for (x=1; x<W-2; x++){

		    /* a few more pre-calculated array indices */
			xm1 = x-1;
			xp1 = x+1;
			ywpx = yw + x;

			// calculate the sum of the 8 height values
			// surrounding the current x,y position in the height map (hMap)
			hSum = hMap[ yp1w + xm1 ]
			     + hMap[ yp1w + x   ]		 			
			     + hMap[ yp1w + xp1 ]		 			
			     + hMap[ yw   + xm1 ]		 			
			     + hMap[ yw   + xp1 ]	 			
			     + hMap[ ym1w + xm1 ]		 			
			     + hMap[ ym1w + x   ]		 			
			     + hMap[ ym1w + xp1 ];

			/* get height value at current x,y position */	 
			h = hMap[ ywpx ];

			/* calculate the sum of the height differences */ 			
			sumHDiff = hSum - 8*h; 

			/* retrieve and update the 'velocity' (i.e. change in height) */
			v = vMap[ ywpx ] + (*scale)*sumHDiff;

			/* store updated 'velocity' */
			vMap[ ywpx ] = v;			

			/* update the height, apply damping, and store it in hMap2 */	
			hMap2[ ywpx ] = h+v - fsgn(h+v)*(*hDamp);



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xx Re: Letting GCC do the hard work
« Reply #3 on: Aug 3rd, 2014, 10:19am »

on Aug 2nd, 2014, 10:36pm, David Williams wrote:
I can perhaps see why fucomi & fucomip are employed in the fsgn() function (returns as an integer the sign of a double), but they crop up again outside that function, in the inner loop

I think you're misreading the generated assembler code. The fsgn function is never called and can be deleted without affecting the operation of your program! The use of fucomi and fucomip in the 'inner loop' are where GCC has automatically inlined the fsgn code, for performance reasons.

Incidentally this is a common C implementation of the signum function:

int fsgn(double val) {return (val > 0.0) - (val < 0.0);} 

It relies on the fact that comparisons return 1 for true and 0 for false, which is guaranteed. I don't know whether the generated assembler code will be any simpler than for your version.

I haven't yet substituted your equivalent encodings for fucomi & fucomip, but I'm a bit curious to see the likely time penalty

In human-written assembler code one would try to avoid the need to save and restore eax, which makes the overhead that much greater.

There is an argument that ASMLIB should have included fucomi and the other comparison instructions that were added to the Pentium Pro, but nobody has ever commented on the omission, or asked me to correct it.

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David Williams

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Posts: 452
xx Re: Letting GCC do the hard work
« Reply #4 on: Aug 10th, 2014, 8:49pm »

I'm pleased to say that, with the WavePlasma6 program, when the C source code (containing the subroutine that does the calculations - 'Wave') is compiled to a DLL, the performance really doesn't take much of a hit (both versions give around 80 to 90 fps on my laptop).

The only explicit GCC optimisation switch I'm specifying is -O2, but if anyone can suggest any others then please go ahead. (Without the -O2 switch, it runs at around 40 fps on my laptop - so nearly half the speed.)

For interested parties, the "DLL version" of WavePlasma6 is listed below, and the DLL itself (wave1d.dll) can be downloaded from here:

      REM WavePlasma6b // 10-08-2014
      REM Requires wave1d.dll

      *ESC OFF
      *FLOAT 64

      ON CLOSE PROC_clean_up : QUIT
      ON ERROR PROC_clean_up : PROCError(REPORT$ + " at line " + STR$ERL)

      HIMEM = PAGE + 10*&100000

      SYS "LoadLibrary", "wave1d" TO wave1d_dll%
      IF wave1d_dll% = 0 PROCError("Can't load wave1d.dll (LoadLibrary returned 0)")
      SYS "GetProcAddress", wave1d_dll%, "Wave" TO Wave%
      IF Wave% = 0 PROC_clean_up : PROCError("Couldn't import the DLL function 'Wave' (GetProcAddress returned 0)")

      R% = RND(-50681821) : REM Seed BB4W's PRNG

      Delay% = TRUE

      ScrW% = 512
      ScrH% = 512
      VDU 23,22,ScrW%;ScrH%;8,16,16,0 : OFF
      dibs% = FNCreateDIBSection

      GetTickCount% = FNSYS_NameToAddress("GetTickCount")
      InvalidateRect% = FNSYS_NameToAddress("InvalidateRect")
      Sleep% = FNSYS_NameToAddress("Sleep")

      gridW% = ScrW%
      gridH% = ScrH%
      gridSz% = 8*gridW%*gridH% : REM Grid size in bytes
      DIM hMap%  gridSz%+8 : hMap% =(hMap% +7) AND -8
      DIM hMap2% gridSz%+8 : hMap2%=(hMap2%+7) AND -8
      DIM vMap%  gridSz%+8 : vMap% =(vMap% +7) AND -8

      colTabSz% = 10000
      DIM colTab% 4*(colTabSz% + 1)
      colTab%=(colTab%+3) AND -4

      MaxExciters% = 8
      DIM exciter{( MaxExciters%-1 ) active%, x%, y%, \
      \ amp, theta, dtheta, life%, dying%}



      REM Clear the grids
      FOR I%=hMap%  TO hMap%+gridSz%-1  STEP 8:|I% = 0.0:NEXT
      FOR I%=hMap2% TO hMap2%+gridSz%-1 STEP 8:|I% = 0.0:NEXT
      FOR I%=vMap%  TO vMap%+gridSz%-1  STEP 8:|I% = 0.0:NEXT

      dampTheta# = 0.0
      dampDTheta# = 0.0001
      dampAmp# = 0.05
      scale# = 0.05
      hDamp# = 0.1
      first% = TRUE
      frame% = 0
      SYS GetTickCount% TO time0%
        FOR I% = 0 TO MaxExciters%-1
          IF exciter{(I%)}.active% THEN
            X% = exciter{(I%)}.x%
            Y% = exciter{(I%)}.y%
            |(hMap% + 8*(Y%*gridW% + X%)) = \
            \ 1.0# * exciter{(I%)}.amp * SIN(exciter{(I%)}.theta)
            exciter{(I%)}.theta += exciter{(I%)}.dtheta
            IF exciter{(I%)}.life% > 0 THEN
              exciter{(I%)}.dying% = TRUE
            IF exciter{(I%)}.dying% THEN
              exciter{(I%)}.amp -= 1
              IF exciter{(I%)}.amp <= 0 THEN
                exciter{(I%)}.active% = FALSE
                |(vMap% + 8*(Y%*gridW% + X%)) = 0.0
            IF first%=TRUE OR RND(2500)=1 THEN
              IF first% THEN first% = FALSE
              exciter{(I%)}.active% = TRUE
              exciter{(I%)}.x% = RND(gridW%)-2
              exciter{(I%)}.y% = RND(gridH%)-2
              exciter{(I%)}.amp = 100+RND(800)
              exciter{(I%)}.theta = 0
              IF RND(10) > 1 THEN
                exciter{(I%)}.dtheta = 0.01 * RND(1)
                exciter{(I%)}.dtheta = 0.005 * RND(1)
              exciter{(I%)}.life% = 500+RND(1000)
              exciter{(I%)}.dying% = FALSE
        NEXT I%
        hDamp# = 1.0#*(0.01+dampAmp#*ABSSIN(dampTheta#))
        dampTheta# += dampDTheta#
        SYS Wave%, gridW%, gridH%, hMap%, hMap2%, vMap%, ^scale#, ^hDamp#
        SYS DWordCopy, hMap2%, hMap%, 2*gridW%*gridH%
        CALL DrawHMap
        SYS InvalidateRect%, @hwnd%, 0, 0
        IF Delay% THEN SYS Sleep%, 2
        frame% += 1
        SYS GetTickCount% TO time1%
        IF time1%-time0% >= 1000 THEN
          SYS "SetWindowText", @hwnd%, STR$frame% + " fps"
          SYS GetTickCount% TO time0%
          frame% = 0

      DEF PROCFillColourTable
      LOCAL I%,r%,g%,b%
      LOCAL t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6
      LOCAL dt1, dt2, dt3, dt4, dt5, dt6
      FOR I% = 0 TO colTabSz%-1
        r% = 128+127*SIN(t1)*SIN(t2)
        g% = 128+127*SIN(t3)*SIN(t4)
        b% = 128+127*SIN(t5)*SIN(t6)
        colTab%!(4*I%) = r%*&10000 + g%*&100 + b%
      NEXT I%

      DEF PROC_asm
      LOCAL P%, code%, pass%, gap1%, gap2%
      LOCAL xlp, ylp
      DIM gap1% 4095, code% 1023, gap2% 4095
      FOR pass%=0 TO 2 STEP 2
        [OPT pass%
        sub esp, 16
        mov ebp, dibs%
        mov esi, colTab%
        xor edx, edx         ; Y loop index
        xor ecx, ecx         ; X loop index
        mov ebx, edx         ; copy Y
        imul ebx, gridW%     ; Y*gridW
        add ebx, ecx         ; Y*gridW + X
        shl ebx, 3           ; 8*(Y*gridW + X)
        add ebx, hMap%       ; hMap%+8*(Y*gridW + X)
        fld QWORD [ebx]      ; = h
        fistp DWORD [esp]    ; = h%
        mov edi, [esp]       ; EDI = h%
        add edi, colTabSz%DIV2 ; colTabSz%DIV2 + h%
        mov eax, [esi + 4*edi] ; get colour
        mov [ebp], eax
        add ebp, 4
        add ecx, 1
        cmp ecx, gridW%
        jl xlp
        add edx, 1
        cmp edx, gridH%
        jl ylp
        add esp, 16
        ; srcAddr, destAddr, numDWORDs
        ; ESP+36 = srcAddr
        ; ESP+40 = destAddr
        ; ESP+44 = numDWORDs
        mov esi, [esp + 36]
        mov edi, [esp + 40]
        mov ecx, [esp + 44]
        rep movsd
        ret 12
      NEXT pass%

      LOCAL A%,B%,H%,O%
      DIM B% 19:!B%=44:B%!4=@vdu%!208:B%!8=@vdu%!212:B%!12=&200001
      IF H%=0 PROCError("Create DIBSection failed")

      DEF FNSYS_NameToAddress(f$)
      LOCALP%:DIMP%LOCAL5:[OPT 0:call f$:]:=P%!-4+P%

      DEF PROCFixWndSz
      LOCAL W%
      SYS"GetWindowLong",@hwnd%,-16 TO W%
      SYS"SetWindowLong",@hwnd%,-16,W% ANDNOT&40000 ANDNOT&10000

      DEF PROC_clean_up
      wave1d_dll% += 0
      IF wave1d_dll% <> 0 THEN SYS "FreeLibrary", wave1d_dll%

      DEF PROCError(s$)
      CLS : ON : VDU 7
      PRINT '" " + s$;

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David Williams

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Gender: Male
Posts: 452
xx Re: Letting GCC do the hard work
« Reply #5 on: Aug 11th, 2014, 9:30pm »

As part of my familiarization with C (with a view to writing hybrid C and BB4W programs), I revisited an eccentric old past-time of mine: searching for circular alignments (and other geometric shapes) amongst sets of randomly positioned points. Ten years ago when I was into this stuff, it would take BBC BASIC several minutes to search a 100-or-so random 'targets'. Now it takes around 20 seconds on my laptop (in BASIC). Admittedly, the circle-finding algorithm is not robust and nor is it the most efficient way of looking for circles (that would probably be some variant of the Hough Transform - a linear-time search).

Anyway, the compiled C version (after conversion to BB4W assembler code) takes ~0.2 seconds to search 100 random points for circles, some 80 to 100 times faster than the BASIC version. The DLL version takes around 1 second, some 4-5 times slower than the ASM version, but still significantly faster than the BASIC version.

The following link to a Zip folder contains different versions of the circle finder (BASIC, assembly language, DLL, C source):

The assembly language version makes (minor) use of ASMLIB (because GCC compiler emitted a CMOVxx instruction).

Parameters used (the most important ones):

Number of random (x,y) points: 100
Grid size: 20km x 16km
Minimum 'hits' required per circle: 8
Error tolerance: 60 metres
Minimum allowed radius: 2000 metres
Maximum allowed radius: 6000 metres

Note that none of this is based on final, 'production quality' code. I am, after all, merely learning C.

I think a "GCC assembler dump to BB4W assembler code converter" would save a lot of time, so perhaps that's a new project for me at some point.

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xx Re: Letting GCC do the hard work
« Reply #6 on: Aug 12th, 2014, 8:17pm »

Hi, everyone,

Just a note to say, - some years ago, I came across an article "Easy C " by pete Orlin and John Heath in may 1985 issue of Byte magazine (p 137-148)

it describes their use of the C's preprocesor to make their C code scripts - read a bit like BASIC code which one may find easier to "understand" for the beginner and infrequent C user ?

(I can e-mail a copy if you can't search/find a copy )
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David Williams

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xx Re: Letting GCC do the hard work
« Reply #7 on: Aug 17th, 2014, 08:13am »

Probably my last post for a while...

1000 depth-sorted 'vector balls' based on graphics routines written in C (including the Shell Sort code I borrowed from Rosetta Code). I get 60 fps on my laptop, which is quite impressive, considering (well, considering that I don't yet really know what I'm doing with C): [EXE; 142 Kb]

Update: Two versions of glib.dll compiled using different GCC optimisation settings (-O2 and -O3 plus -ffast-math). Also edited this post to include the image link below.


This kind of performance is convincing me that hybridizing BB4W and C/C++ code is the way to go (for me personally).

I'll include the BB4W part of the source below for curious people.


      *FLOAT 64
      *ESC OFF

      ON ERROR PROCerror

      HIMEM = PAGE + 2*&100000

      PROCFixWndSz : MODE 8 : OFF

      INSTALL @lib$ + "GLIB"
      PROCInitGLIB( @lib$ + "glib.dll", g{} )

      ON ERROR PROCCleanup : PROCerror
      ON CLOSE PROCCleanup : QUIT

      GetTickCount = FN`s("GetTickCount")

      LerpClr        = FNImport("LerpClr")
      Plot           = FNImport("Plot")
      InitExPoints   = FNImport("InitExPointList")
      ShellSort      = FNImport("ShellSortExPointListZValues")
      Rotate         = FNImport("RotateExPoints")
      MakeBallBitmap = FNImport("MakeBallBitmap1")

      REM Create a 48x48 ball bitmap:
      DIM ball% 4*(48*48 + 1)
      ball%=ball% + 3 AND -4
      SYS MakeBallBitmap, ball%, 48, &40AA20, &FF0020, 0.99*&10000, &10000

      N% = 1000

      DIM list{(N%-1) x#, y#, z#, x2#, y2#, z2#, key%, d0%, d1%, d2% }

      listBaseAddr% = ^list{(0)}.x#

      IF (listBaseAddr% AND 3) <> 0 THEN
        PRINT '" The coordinates list base address is not DWORD-aligned!"
        PRINT '" This may affect performance. Continuing in 5 seconds..."
        WAIT 500

      REM Define objects (balls) 3D (x,y,z) coordinates:
      FOR I% = 0 TO N%-1
        list{(I%)}.x# = (RND(1)-0.5) * 800.0
        list{(I%)}.y# = (RND(1)-0.5) * 800.0
        list{(I%)}.z# = (RND(1)-0.5) * 800.0
        list{(I%)}.x2# = 0.0
        list{(I%)}.y2# = 0.0
        list{(I%)}.z2# = 0.0

      REM Initialise rotation angles:
      t1 = 2*PI*RND(1)
      t2 = 2*PI*RND(1)
      t3 = 2*PI*RND(1)

      F% = &10000 : REM Frequently used constant

      frames% = 0


      SYS GetTickCount TO time0%
        REM Draw background:
        SYS LerpClr, g{}, &102030, &805090
        REM Init key values for Z-sort
        REM (this could and perhaps should be moved into the rotation routine):
        SYS InitExPoints, listBaseAddr%, N%
        REM Rotate coordinates:
        SYS Rotate, listBaseAddr%, 1+2+4, N%, F%*t1, F%*t2, F%*t3, \
        \ F%*-100, F%*-200, F%*50, \
        \ F%*320, F%*256, F%*0, \
        \ 1, F%*300, F%*800
        REM Shell sort code (in C) courtesy of Rosetta Code, many thanks:
        SYS ShellSort, listBaseAddr%, N%, -1
        REM Draw the depth-sorted balls:
        FOR I% = 0 TO N%-1
          J% = list{(I%)}.key%
          SYS Plot, g{}, ball%, 48, 48, list{(J%)}.x2#-16, list{(J%)}.y2#-16
        NEXT I%
        PROCDisplay( TRUE )
        frames% += 1
        SYS GetTickCount TO time1%
        IF time1%-time0%>=1000 THEN
          SYS GetTickCount TO time0%
          SYS "SetWindowText", @hwnd%, STR$frames% + " fps"
          frames% = 0
        REM Bump rotation angles:
        t1 += 0.02001
        t2 += 0.01905
        t3 += 0.00598

      DEF PROCFixWndSz
      LOCAL W%
      SYS"GetWindowLong",@hwnd%,-16 TO W%
      SYS"SetWindowLong",@hwnd%,-16,W% ANDNOT&40000 ANDNOT&10000

      DEF PROCerror
      OSCLI "REFRESH ON" : CLS : ON : PRINT '" ";
      REPORT : PRINT " at line "; ERL;
« Last Edit: Aug 17th, 2014, 9:09pm by David Williams » User IP Logged

xx Re: Letting GCC do the hard work
« Reply #8 on: Aug 17th, 2014, 10:32am »

on Aug 17th, 2014, 08:13am, David Williams wrote:
This kind of performance is convincing me that hybridizing BB4W and C/C++ code is the way to go (for me personally).

Performance (if by that you mean speed) is not a good reason to go down the GCC route. Even though the code generators in modern compilers are very good, you will almost always be able to do better with hand-crafted assembler.

That is especially true when you are not targeting a particular CPU architecture, but want the code to run on a wide range of machines. In that case much of the clever code-optimising for a specific architecture, that GCC can do very well, will benefit some machines at the expense of others.

If you are compiling with the -march=native switch and then testing your code on the same machine you are getting a misleading impression of performance (unless of course you want to go down the route of including machine code for a range of different architectures and choosing the best one at run time).

Where using C does admittedly have advantages is in speed and ease of coding, and especially in time taken debugging. If those are the issues that most concern you, then fine.

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David Williams

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xx Re: Letting GCC do the hard work
« Reply #9 on: Aug 17th, 2014, 11:38am »

on Aug 17th, 2014, 10:32am, Richard Russell wrote:
If you are compiling with the -march=native switch and then testing your code on the same machine you are getting a misleading impression of performance [...]

Yes, I did use that switch and when after uploading the EXE for public consumption, I discovered that it crashed my 32-bit XP-based laptop (which I hardly use now!). I suspect my use of -march=native caused GCC to generate 64-bit code since the laptop the code was compiled on is a 64-bit machine. Lesson learned.

Re-compiling the vector balls demo without the aforementioned switch results in the code working on the 32-bit laptop, although the frame rate isn't as high as on the compilation machine (which is a little faster anyway, I think).

Where using C does admittedly have advantages is in speed and ease of coding, and especially in time taken debugging. If those are the issues that most concern you, then fine.

For the vast majority of my 'applications', the speed of GCC's generated ASM code suffices (and in some cases, has exceeded the speed of my hand-written ASM code, which isn't too surprising!). I won't be touching -- or rather, writing -- assembler code again unless my life depends on it.

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