BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> Graphics and Games >> D3DX8 - Teapot D3DX8 - Teapot
Post by Kirkkaf13 on Oct 25th, 2013, 3:50pm
I have been examining the D3DLIB and Teapot example, reading the documentation on the functions used to help me understand what is happening.
Using 'TO' within 'SYS' allows integers to be returned as shown in D3DLIB: Code:
SYS"GetProcAddress",X%,"Direct3DCreate8" TO X%
I am trying to understand what this syntax is: Code:
SYS "GetProcAddress", d3dx%, "D3DXCreateTeapot" TO `D3DXCreateTeapot`
What is `D3DXCreateTeapot`? Is this a variable? What are the '`' characters for?
Re: D3DX8 - Teapot
Post by admin on Oct 25th, 2013, 5:29pm
What is `D3DXCreateTeapot`? Is this a variable? What are the '`' characters for?
Yes, it's an ordinary numeric variable. The ` characters are just a whim: they are legal in a variable name but are rarely used so I like to give them an occasional outing!