BBC BASIC for Windows
General >> Suggestion Box >> Possible minor bug & feature request

Possible minor bug & feature request
Post by NIGEL on Sep 30th, 2009, 2:48pm

The Options, Lowercase Keywords does not permit lowercase exponents. This behaviour is different to *LOWERCASE. Should they behave the same?

Feature request. Is it possible to allow use of more than 250 Mb memory. I have several Gb and would like to make use of it.

Nigel Brumpton
Re: Possible minor bug & feature request
Post by admin on Sep 30th, 2009, 5:40pm

This behaviour is different to *LOWERCASE. Should they behave the same?

I don't think so. The option specifically states Lowercase keywords, and of course the exponent 'e' is not a 'keyword'.

Similarly *LOWERCASE allows you to use lowercase letters (a-f) in hexadecimal constants, but the Option doesn't automatically convert them to capitals.

Really they're doing rather different things. The 'Lowercase keywords' Option is concerned with tokenising keywords, because that's done by the editor. The *LOWERCASE command is (principally) to do with recognising lowercase exponents and hexadecimal constants, because that's an issue for the interpreter.

Is it possible to allow use of more than 250 Mb memory. I have several Gb and would like to make use of it.

This was discussed at some length in an earlier thread here:

When you load DLLs, or create large bitmaps, you are making use of your extra memory so it's by no means 'unavailable' to BBC BASIC. You can even allocate the memory to arrays using the Windows API:
