BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> BBC BASIC language >> Jpg display in bbcbasic4 windows

Jpg display in bbcbasic4 windows
Post by larry on May 12th, 2014, 4:18pm

below is the code I'm using in BBC4win to place a jpg in a window. The Procedure uses an api call.
I want it to display in whatever size the image is. rather than me having to specify the size.
any help would be greatly appreciated


rem maximize window
sys "ShowWindow", @hwnd%, SW_MAXIMIZE

rem Set parematers for loading the jpg onto the window

rem call the procedure that shows the picture to the window

rem Wait for keypress
rem Translate key press to action code
case Key% of
when 27 cls:end
otherwise Code%=0
until Code%<>0

rem this is the procedure that opens and displays the picture

def procdisplay(picture$,xpos%,ypos%,xsize%,ysize%)
local oleaut32%, olpp%, iid%, gpp%, hmw%, hmh%, picture%, res%
sys "LoadLibrary", "OLEAUT32.DLL" to oleaut32%
sys "GetProcAddress", oleaut32%, "OleLoadPicturePath" to olpp%
if olpp%=0 error 100, "Could not get address of OleLoadPicturePath"
dim iid% local 15, picture% local 513
sys "MultiByteToWideChar", 0, 0, picture$, -1, picture%, 256
iid%!0 = &7BF80980
iid%!4 = &101ABF32
iid%!8 = &AA00BB8B
iid%!12 = &AB0C3000
sys olpp%, picture%, 0, 0, 0, iid%, ^gpp%
if gpp% = 0 error 100, "OleLoadPicturePath failed"
sys !(!gpp%+24), gpp%, ^hmw% : rem. IPicture::get_Width
sys !(!gpp%+28), gpp%, ^hmh% : rem. IPicture::get_Height
sys !(!gpp%+32), gpp%, @memhdc%, xpos%, ypos%, xsize%, ysize%, 0, \
\ hmh%, hmw%, -hmh%, 0 to res%
if res% error 100, "IPicture::Render failed"
sys !(!gpp%+8), gpp% : rem. IPicture::Release
sys "InvalidateRect", @hwnd%, 0, 0
sys "UpdateWindow", @hwnd%

Re: Jpg display in bbcbasic4 windows
Post by rtr on May 12th, 2014, 5:58pm

on May 12th, 2014, 4:18pm, larry wrote:
I want it to display in whatever size the image is. rather than me having to specify the size.

The easiest way would probably be to take the image dimensions (hmw% and hmh%), convert them from HIMETRIC units to pixels (assume 96 DPI), and then put those values into the xsize% and ysize% variables respectively:

      xsize% = INT(hmw% * 96 / 2540 + 0.5)
      ysize% = INT(hmh% * 96 / 2540 + 0.5) 
