BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> Graphics and Games >> Any new BB4W games in the pipeline? Any new BB4W games in the pipeline?
Post by David Williams on Sep 30th, 2012, 8:00pm
Just wondering.
David. --
Re: Any new BB4W games in the pipeline?
Post by admin on Sep 30th, 2012, 9:53pm
Well, as you write many of them yourself you probably know better than most!
Now the updated SPRITELIB can read Liberty BASIC sprites (not that it's documented that way of course!) I did wonder about porting a couple of the nicer LB sprite-based games, but I'd need the permission of the original authors first (even if the code is completely re-written the sprites remain their IPR).
Re: Any new BB4W games in the pipeline?
Post by admin on Oct 2nd, 2012, 3:53pm
You may already know about this, but I found these inexpensive 'game assets' which may save some time when creating games needing animated characters:
Thanks for that (I have come across similar sites in the past). Those game graphics are certainly of a standard that I - for one - could only ever aspire to creating. Drawing graphics for games is, for me, always a tedious, time-consuming undertaking -- something that is best left to those with talent and enthusiasm!
Another site with a (free) source of reasonably good graphics (not much in the way of sprite-like game objects as such, but nevertheless potentially useful):
If anyone is developing a new game in BB4W then would they please speak up! It'll give some of us something to look forward to. (And now that Jeroen Groenendaal is apparently 'off the scene', it's hard to see anything spectacular coming down the line.)