DIM my_file$(500):REM holds current files.Make this as big as you think you will need c%=0 PROClistdirectory(".bbc") REPEAT PRINT my_file$(c%) c%+=1 UNTIL my_file$(c%)="" WAIT 1000 END DEF PROClistdirectory(ext$) LOCAL dir%, sh%, res%,cou% DIM dir% LOCAL 317 SYS "FindFirstFile", "*", dir% TO sh% IF sh% <> -1 THEN REPEAT f$= $$(dir%+44) IF RIGHT$(f$,4)= ext$ THEN my_file$(cou%)=f$:cou%+=1 REM PRINT RIGHT$(f$,4):REM enable this to see the files it hides SYS "FindNextFile", sh%, dir% TO res% UNTIL res% = 0 SYS "FindClose", sh% ENDIF ENDPROC
DIM my_files$(500):REM holds current files.Make this as big as you think you will need numfiles%=FNlistdirectory(".bbc",my_files$()) FOR x%=0 TO numfiles%-1 PRINT my_files$(x%) NEXT x% END DEF FNlistdirectory(ext$,store$()) LOCAL filedata%, searchhandle%, res%,c% DIM filedata% LOCAL 317 SYS "FindFirstFile", "*"+ext$, filedata% TO searchhandle% IF searchhandle% <> -1 THEN REPEAT store$(c%)=$$(filedata%+44) c%+=1 SYS "FindNextFile", searchhandle%, filedata% TO res% UNTIL res% = 0 SYS "FindClose", searchhandle% ENDIF =c%