rem VDU 23,22,width;height;charx,chary,ncols,charset vdu 23,22,1125;750;32,32,16,0:rem nikon d3300 size ratio (xy.5) origin 1125,750:rem center poiter moved to center of the screen : for z%=0 to 1125 c%=255-255/1125*z% c1%=sin(rad(z%))*255 or 64 x%=z% y1%=750/1125*z% y2%=-750/1125*z% y%=750/1125*z% : :rem setting colours colour 1,c1%,0,0:rem red colour 2,0,c1%,0:rem green colour 3,0,0,c1%:rem blue colour 4,c1%,c1%,c1%:rem white : :rem lines gcol 1 line x%,y1%,x%,y2% gcol 2 line -x%,y1%,-x%,y2% gcol 3 line -x%,y%,x%,y% gcol 4 line -x%,-y%,x%,-y% next