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Windows api and BB4W Wiki
Post by johnfo on Aug 14th, 2008, 3:04pm

As a beginner I found the Microsoft website:-
very useful for finding and using API's

I particularly liked the alternative referencing provided.

I also liked the BB4W wiki at

Re: Windows api and BB4W Wiki
Post by Michael Hutton on Aug 19th, 2008, 1:34pm


The Windows API is a maze which takes time to fathom but once you get the idea it's an incredibly powerful way of interacting with windows.

I would recommend useing the PLATFORM SDK (and this may have been updated now to Windows SDK, but I am not sure). Go to the microsoft download center search for, and download it.

Also keep reading the manual again and again as you often find that most things are spelt out there very succinctly.


Q. Where can I find out more about the Windows Application Program
Interface ?

A. The Windows API is fully documented on the Microsoft Developers'
Network web site (search for Platform SDK) and you can also order
it on CD-ROM. However a more manageable version which covers the
common functions can be found in the file WIN32HLP.EXE (a mere 13
Mbytes!) which is available for download from here. Alternatively
use your favourite search engine to find it. Also consider
installing the APIViewer application which makes it much easier
to use the Windows API from BBC BASIC for Windows; download
instructions can be found here.
