BBC BASIC for Windows
IDE and Compiler >> Integrated Development Environment >> Module Viewer utility
Module Viewer utility
Post by admin on Jul 12th, 2010, 2:47pm
When an error (trapped or not) occurs in your BASIC program the BB4W IDE automatically scrolls the editor window to the relevant place in your code (if necessary) and highlights the statement causing the error. This is an extremely valuable aid to debugging.
Unfortunately, if the error occurred in an INSTALLed module or library the IDE can't show you where it happened. This can be quite a problem, and it encourages writing large monolithic programs rather than splitting them into modules.
I have written a new add-in utility - Module Viewer - which largely overcomes this problem. It extends the BB4W IDE so that it automatically displays the code of INSTALLed or CALLed modules as well as the main program. If an error occurs in one of the modules the faulty line is highlighted. You can even Trace and Single-Step through the modules!
Note that you can't edit the modules from within Module Viewer - you would still have to open a separate IDE for that.
The Module Viewer utility can be downloaded from here (or you can execute it directly from the group's Files area):
As well as being very useful in its own right, this utility illustrates the degree of customisation of the BB4W IDE which is possible, albeit using some extremely hairy code! Module Viewer is written almost entirely in BBC BASIC, with a small amount of assembly language.