BBC BASIC for Windows
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Thanks for BB4W
Post by softweir on Dec 7th, 2009, 3:33pm

Title says it all - many thanks Richard for reintroducing me to an old, old friend. I'm having SO much fun with it!

Rick W.
Re: Thanks for BB4W
Post by Ironman on Jan 10th, 2011, 9:40pm

I'd like to add my praise for this superb programming tool which is a blessing for those of us familiar with the BASIC of the early years, making it a painless process to produce windows executable programs. An absolute joy to use.
Re: Thanks for BB4W
Post by arj0000 on Feb 25th, 2011, 11:30am

I too offer my thanks for BB4W, I am impressed by its abilities.

The blend of nostalgic simplicity with some modern structures and the ability to use Windows APIs makes BB4W an attractive alternative to VB. It's better than COMAL to which I was attracted, but was unable to find a decent PC version.

I last wrote programs in the late nineties for distributed systems computer performance management and capacity planning.

So far I've produced Dates of Easter, Sunrise/Sunset, Moon Phases, Jupiter's Mass, Satellite Orbits, and other similar programs. All simple but very accurate.

Thanks for reviving my interest,

Re: Thanks for BB4W
Post by Richey on Nov 12th, 2013, 12:03am

It has been a while since anyone has added something here and while Richard debates whether or not to upgrade to version 6, I think it is timely to praise BB4W and to thank Richard for his genius and continuing commitment. Keep supporting Richard and BB4W! smiley
Re: Thanks for BB4W
Post by kingsmiller on Mar 19th, 2014, 9:28pm

Just to add here my thanks to Richard who has over the years has developed BB4W and given us all tremendous technical support.

I have grown up with BBC BASIC from the early Model B Microcomputer and then onto BBC BASIC (86) and now BB4W.

Richard has kept my interest in this subject since I was introduced to BB4W in 2004, now I am retired it is still very much an enjoyable hobby.

Keep up the good work and looking forward to the official release of version 6.

.. Bill

Re: Thanks for BB4W
Post by simong42 on Apr 25th, 2014, 10:21am

I was reading in another thread that BB4W 'has had its day'. I'd be sorry if that were the case, because I think it provides an excellent programming environment.

I'm having a lot of fun resurrecting some old games I wrote originally for the BBC B and Archimedes - the games have had their day, for sure - but I've not found any other programming language on my XP or Vista machines to give me what I need (text and graphics, keyboard and mouse input) at such value for money.

(I tried Java but it was like being in a strait-jacket. If I can just refactor the BBC BASIC to give me an easier migration to Java, I might get back to it one day in my retirement.)

Thank you, Richard.
Re: Thanks for BB4W
Post by CharlesB on Mar 4th, 2015, 7:43pm

I am so blessed with BB4W. I was working for a company 18 years ago where I had written many simple QuickBasic programs, but I left it to pursue an academic doctorate. Since that time I have been teaching, and then the call came to please come back part time to my old job. I love it.

I really wanted many of my old programs back. At first I was searching for DOS Boxes, etc to run them. Then after coming upon BB4W everything just got better.

Thank you for the "joy of programming" for it really is fun, and the possibility of doing real work with BASIC again!