BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> Communication and Input/Output >> Virus reported in my compiled program Virus reported in my compiled program
Post by BigJoeKelley on Sep 29th, 2011, 04:58am
I am just an old TRRS-80 programmer trying this new stuff after 30 years persueing a different career. My first try at compiling a program and sending it to my wife's laptop went awry when McCaffee quarantined it as having a virus called Win32dll. Has anyone else come across this problem? Re: Virus reported in my compiled program
Post by admin on Sep 29th, 2011, 09:21am
My first try at compiling a program and sending it to my wife's laptop went awry when McCaffee quarantined it as having a virus called Win32dll. Has anyone else come across this problem?
This is a much-discussed issue, which results from the widespread use of 'heuristic' techniques by Virus Scanners in an attempt to detect as-yet-undiscovered viruses. If you check out the detail of the McAfee report, you will almost certainly find that the 'virus' is described as a heuristic detection, which means that it isn't actually a known virus at all, but simply the result of what the scanner considers to be 'suspicious' behaviour.
Since it isn't really a virus, the simplest solution is to ignore it, and to add the program to McAfee's 'white list' of programs which it will accept without generating an alert. If you prefer not to do that, there are some other things you can try:
Make sure that you have enabled the 'encrypt and compress' option in the Compile dialogue. Create a VERSIONINFO resource for the program using the Version Info add-in (Utilities menu). Ideally, 'digitally sign' your program with a code-signing certificate (but that costs money if you haven't already got one).
Unfortunately these 'false alarms' are the price we pay for increased vigilance. You might want to consider changing to a different virus scanner; I use AVG here and have not been troubled by false alarms from compiled BB4W programs.
Re: Virus reported in my compiled program
Post by BigJoeKelley on Sep 30th, 2011, 05:02am
Thanks Richard, Adding the Version Info did the trick. I wonder if you would point me in the right direction to find out more about the error I am receiving from the Sockets Lib. 10035 seems to be connected to WSAEWOULDBLOCK which means nothing to me. I am just trying to set-up some communication between 2 computers using the Listen - Connect - Check Conection Processes Thanks Again, Joe Re: Virus reported in my compiled program
Post by admin on Sep 30th, 2011, 09:34am
I wonder if you would point me in the right direction to find out more about the error I am receiving from the Sockets Lib. 10035 seems to be connected to WSAEWOULDBLOCK which means nothing to me.
Normally your program won't see that error, because it is trapped in SOCKLIB and converted to something else. For example in both FN_readsocket and FN_writesocket you will find this code:
IF E%=10035 THEN = 0
In other words if Windows returns the WSAEWOULDBLOCK error what you see is simply a value of zero returned from the function (signifying that no data was available, or the data couldn't be sent, depending on the function called).
So WSAEWOULDBLOCK doesn't normally represent an 'error' at all, but simply indicates that you need to re-try a call because it couldn't be completed immediately. If you call the string functions FN_readlinesocket and FN_writelinesocket the 'retrying' is done automatically for you.
Have you tried running these programs in the Files area of the Yahoo group: