BBC BASIC for Windows
General >> Bouquets and Brickbats >> I renounce all loyalty to Sophie Wilson

I renounce all loyalty to Sophie Wilson
Post by PatrickM on Sep 23rd, 2017, 1:38pm

I renounce all loyalty to Sophie Wilson and ARM/Acorn BASIC. I recognise Richard Russell's BBC BASIC for Windows and BBCSDL as the true and legitimate version of BBC BASIC.

I didn't mean to offend anyone by saying this.
Re: I renounce all loyalty to Sophie Wilson
Post by michael on Sep 23rd, 2017, 7:52pm

Richard did carry his own versions into the present. They would be 2 different entities, although Sophie and Richard attended the reunion 5 years ago, Richard has been the only original contender to keep the platform alive. And with Windows 10 being the last windows (with future mods), BBC Basic should be around a very long time. (not that it depends on windows)