BBC BASIC for Windows
IDE and Compiler >> Tools and Utilities >> DLGEDIT Community Edition
DLGEDIT Community Edition
Post by admin on Nov 30th, 2013, 09:40am
Could one of those people working on the Community Edition of the Dialogue Editor (DLGEDITCE) please report on the status of the project?
If I am to release a new version of BB4W it seems a bit daft not to replace the existing, rather primitive, DLGEDIT with a better one. And given that the CE project has been running for months (or is it years?) there must surely be a version sufficiently complete that it could be made available.
Re: DLGEDIT Community Edition
Post by Zaphod on Mar 11th, 2016, 1:21pm
Just checking the old BB4W group files and there is a version of the Dialog Editor that was updated and is here: