BBC BASIC for Windows
General >> Suggestion Box >> Suggestion for the colours of this official forum

Suggestion for the colours of this official forum
Post by kigohhere on Feb 14th, 2015, 02:28am

Hello, BBC Basic is a good software and this forum is nice. I will learn this good language. I have a suggestion about the colours of this forum. Perhaps the yellow colours and brown colours are not quite nice. Some people may not be comfortable because of these colours. Moreover, BBC Basic is a professional software and therefore it needs a professional looking forum. A professional looking forum will give good confidence to a lot of potential customers. I notice that these following forums give professional impressions to visitors. I hope that you will consider colours used by these forums to modify the official forum's colours to make the official forum to become a perfect place for BBC Basic for Windows users. Thanks. cool
Re: Suggestion for the colours of this official fo
Post by rtr2 on Feb 14th, 2015, 09:31am

on Feb 14th, 2015, 02:28am, kigohhere wrote:
I have a suggestion about the colours of this forum. Perhaps the yellow colours and brown colours are not quite nice.

Colours are highly subjective. I can guarantee that if I were to change them, just as many people would dislike the new colour scheme as would prefer it! Some of the examples which you claim to be more 'professional' looking are horrible to my eyes.
