BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> Graphics and Games >> GFXLIB 3

Post by David Williams on Oct 13th, 2011, 4:21pm

GFXLIB 3 doesn't exist yet, and it may not ever, but I'll start the ball rolling and who knows where it may lead.

Comments, ideas, suggestions, debate, arguments welcome!

What would GFXLIB 3 be?

A library of subroutines, functions and utilities geared primarily to facilitate the creation of 2D, bitmap-based games.

(It could just be called GAMELIB instead?)

Architecturally, it would be a new, ground-up re-design, the code structured and written in quite strict accordance with the guidelines set out in this article:


Why a GFXLIB 3?


Why not a GFXLIB 3


Proposal for GFXLIB 3 library components structure

In BB4W's LIB folder, I propose the following files and resource folders:

BBC BASIC for Windows\LIB\GFXLIB3\modules
BBC BASIC for Windows\LIB\GFXLIB3\resources
BBC BASIC for Windows\LIB\GFXLIB3\utilities

GFXLIB3.BBC is the core library (more on this below)
GFXLIB3 is a subfolder containing the three subfolders modules, resources, utilities
GFXLIB/modules contains the external GFXLIB modules; bitmap drawing and manipulation routines, etc.
GFXLIB/resources various images required by example and demonstration programs, font definitions, filter kernels, etc.
GFXLIB/utilities would contain a variety of PROCs, FNs (including assembler routines) useful to game creation


Contains only essential subroutines - image and data loaders, DirectDraw 7 initialiser, DIBSection setup, etc.

The following core assembler routines are what I would consider essential:

Display variables/parameters structure (not necessarily called dispVars !!!)

This has to be massively simplified. I propose:

{ flags%, pBuffer%, bW%, bH% }


flags% contains (obviously) flag bits read by GFXLIB routines
pBuffer% contains the base address of the frame buffer (which could be a DIB section, or memory bitmap, etc.).
bW% and bH% are the buffer widths and heights, respectively.

To be continued?

EDIT (19.01.2012): Well, obviously not. rolleyes