REM THE SIMPLEST FILE DATA MANAGEMENT EXAMPLE ON THIS FORUM !! REM OPEN A FILE FOR OUTPUT AND WRITE 4 DIFFRENT PIECES OF DATA (Even if it doesnt look like it) A=OPENOUT(@usr$+"JUNK.DAT") REM The next command line will write 3 strings and 1 number to the file******* REM VVVVV notice how A becomes an identifier or device handle FOR THE FILE YOU MAKE*** PRINT#A,"REALLY?","THERE ARE",4,"DATA SECTIONS TO THIS DATA" CLOSE#A REM OPEN A FILE AND READ THE CONTENTS AND PRINT THEM ON THE SCREEN A=OPENIN(@usr$+"JUNK.DAT") REM VVVVV notice how A becomes an identifier or device handle FOR THE FILE YOU READ*** INPUT#A,A$,B$,N,C$ PRINT A$;" ";B$;" ";N;" ";C$ REM ^^^^^^ The read must be the same as the written file for accuracy ^^^^^ REM break down the elements of the data so they can see PRINT PRINT "1 ";A$ PRINT "2 ";B$ PRINT "3 (this is not a string) -";N PRINT "4 ";C$ END