BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> BBC BASIC language >> Filename capture from openin("") Filename capture from openin("")
Post by Richard Lumb on Dec 8th, 2009, 2:38pm
I have been trawling around help files to find a way to grab the filename when a file is opened for input using the wildcard openin("") function. Is there a system variable or memory location I can retrive this information from? I need to place this file name in a Listbox window Thanks in advance.
Re: Filename capture from openin("")
Post by admin on Dec 8th, 2009, 3:00pm
I have been trawling around help files to find a way to grab the filename when a file is opened for input using the wildcard openin("") function. Is there a system variable or memory location I can retrive this information from?
Doing it 'properly' gives you much more control, such as being able to set the title etc.
Re: Filename capture from openin("")
Post by Richard L on Dec 8th, 2009, 3:04pm
OLD **Noobie** DOH!! I wasnt sure how to edit my last post but, I just found the answer in the general area, creating a data structure to use for the job. I thought this was just a complex way of opening/saving a file with a known name.