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Topic: Sunrise and sunset calculations (Read 725 times) |
Sunrise and sunset calculations
« Thread started on: Dec 21st, 2014, 8:12pm » |
To coincide with the Winter Solstice, here is a procedure which calculates sunrise and sunset times (and azimuths) quite accurately - to the nearest minute or so.
Code: REM Based on a program by Roger W. Sinnott
REM lat = latitude (degrees north)
REM long = longitude (degrees east)
REM Z = time zone (hours offset from GMT)
REM Y = year
REM M = month (1-12)
REM D = day (1-31)
REM tr = sunrise time (hours), -1 indicates no sunrise
REM ts = sunset time (hours), -1 indicates no sunset
REM ar = sunrise azimuth (degrees)
REM as = sunset azimuth (degrees)
DEF PROCsunriseset(lat, long, Z, Y, M, D, RETURN tr, RETURN ts, RETURN ar, RETURN as)
LOCAL A0, A1, C, D0, D1, D2, DD, H0, H2, HD, lst, N, S, T, T0, Z0
T = FN_mjd(D,M,Y) - (FN_mjd(1,1,2000) + 0.5) : REM Days from noon on 1st Jan 2000
T0 = T / 36525 : REM Centuries from noon on 1st Jan 2000
Z0 = -Z / 24 : REM Time zone offset in days
lst = 24110.5 + 8640184.812999999 * T0 + 86636.6 * Z0 + 240 * long : REM seconds
lst = RAD((lst MOD 86400) / 240) : REM Local sidereal time (radians)
PROCsun(T + Z0, A0, D0) : REM Sun's position 'today'
PROCsun(T + Z0 + 1, A1, D1) : REM Sun's position 'tomorrow'
IF A1 < A0 THEN A1 += PI * 2
H0 = lst - A0
HD = 15 * RAD(1.0027379) - (A1 - A0) / 24
DD = (D1 - D0) / 24
S = SIN(RAD(lat))
C = COS(RAD(lat))
rise = -1
set = -1
FOR N = 0 TO 23
D2 = D0 + DD : H2 = H0 + HD
PROCtestevent(C, S, N, H0, H2, D0, D2, tr, ts, ar, as)
D0 = D2 : H0 = H2
REM Test an hour window for an event
REM H0,H2 = start and end Hour angle
REM D0,D2 = start and end Declination
DEF PROCtestevent(C, S, N, H0, H2, D0, D2, RETURN tr, RETURN ts, RETURN ar, RETURN as)
LOCAL A, B, D, E, H1, D1, R0, R1, R2, U, V, W, Z
Z = COS(RAD(90.833)) : REM Zenith distance
H1 = (H2 + H0) / 2 : REM Hour angle at half-hour
D1 = (D2 + D0) / 2 : REM declination at half-hour
R0 = S * SIN(D0) + C * COS(D0) * COS(H0) - Z
R1 = S * SIN(D1) + C * COS(D1) * COS(H1) - Z
R2 = S * SIN(D2) + C * COS(D2) * COS(H2) - Z
IF SGN(R0) = SGN(R2) THEN ENDPROC : REM No sunrise or sunset this hour
A = 2 * R2 - 4 * R1 + 2 * R0
B = 4 * R1 - 3 * R0 - R2
D = B * B - 4 * A * R0 : IF D < 0 THEN ENDPROC : REM No solution to quadratic
D = SQR(D)
E = (0 - B + D) / (2 * A)
IF E > 1 OR E < 0 THEN E = (0 - B - D) / (2 * A)
U = H0 + E * (H2 - H0)
V = 0 - COS(D1) * SIN(U)
W = C * SIN(D1) - S * COS(D1) * COS(U)
Z = DEG(ATN(V / W))
IF W < 0 THEN Z += 180
IF Z < 0 THEN Z += 360
IF Z > 360 THEN Z -= 360
IF R0 < 0 THEN tr = N + E : ar = Z ELSE ts = N + E : as = Z
REM Sun's position in the sky (Van Flandern & Pulkkinen, 1979)
REM D = Delta days from noon on 1st January 2000
LOCAL L, G, T, U, V, W
T = D / 36525 + 1 : REM Number of centuries since 1900
L = 0.779072 + 0.00273790931 * D
G = 0.993126 + 0.00273777850 * D
L = (L - INT(L)) * 2 * PI : REM Mean latitude (radians)
G = (G - INT(G)) * 2 * PI : REM Mean anomaly (radians)
U = 1 - 0.03349 * COS(G) - 0.00014 * COS(2 * L) + 0.00008 * COS(L)
V = (0.39785 - 0.00021 * T) * SIN(L) - 0.01 * SIN(L - G) + 0.00333 * SIN(L + G)
W = (0.03211 - 0.00008 * T) * SIN(G) - 0.04129 * SIN(2 * L) + \
\ 0.00104 * SIN(2 * L - G) - 0.00035 * SIN(2 * L + G) - 0.0001
REM Compute Sun's Right Ascension and Declination (radians)
RA = L + ASN(W / SQR(U - V * V))
Dec = ASN(V / SQR(U))
ENDPROC Richard.
« Last Edit: Dec 21st, 2014, 10:50pm by rtr2 » |
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Posts: 181
Re: Sunrise and sunset calculations
« Reply #1 on: Aug 19th, 2015, 12:37am » |
It doesn't work. There is no DEFFN_mjd - possibly there is a library that needs to be installed.
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Posts: 321
Re: Sunrise and sunset calculations
« Reply #2 on: Aug 19th, 2015, 09:27am » |
Hi KenDown,
I've amended this post in response to an email from Richard. Please ignore the previous version of my post.
It does work, and is intended to work with the DATELIB Library: you would need to include... Code: the program using the procedure. Richard felt that was so obvious that it did not need stating in his original post.
I've also removed the function I produced to calculate the MJD since 2000, at his request, since he assures me it has no advantage over the one in DATELIB.
Best wishes,
« Last Edit: Aug 19th, 2015, 10:10am by DDRM » |
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Re: Sunrise and sunset calculations
« Reply #3 on: Aug 19th, 2015, 3:37pm » |
Thanks. Richard wrote to me privately to give me the same information. Never having used it, DATELIB was completely unknown to me, so it never occurred to me that that was where the offending FN might be.
Something else for me to explore!