BBC BASIC for Windows
General >> General Board >> BB4W Yahoo site BB4W Yahoo site
Post by ady on Oct 23rd, 2013, 07:51am
I've been waiting for 6 weeks to get back in to the yahoo site and found nowt on google and nothing if I try searching from another Yahoo site I visit and nothing if I trawl through yahoo computer/internet groups
If it hadn't been for a small link at the bottom of the wiki site I would NEVER have got back in
So if you're noticing a drop in activity... don't be surprised because it's almost impossible to find the place
Re: BB4W Yahoo site
Post by ady on Oct 23rd, 2013, 08:07am
So if you're noticing a drop in activity... don't be surprised
The Yahoo group is closed. There is no activity there. That's why I have deleted links to it.
Should Yahoo fix the major bugs in the Neo interface I may consider re-opening the group, but that currently seems unlikely. Indeed things are moving in the opposite direction, because Yahoo have just closed off all the backdoors into the classic interface.
This is the only online forum where official support for BBC BASIC for Windows can be obtained.
Re: BB4W Yahoo site
Post by ady on Oct 29th, 2013, 11:42am
What about all those BB4W files? Hundreds of hours of human effort
Is there a mirror site anywhere?
Or somewhere in here?
And if there is, do you have a link please
Re: BB4W Yahoo site
Post by admin on Oct 29th, 2013, 12:11pm
Unfortunately it is no longer possible to link to individual files, so the Tools/Addins and Libraries folders are mirrored at the Wiggio group. For example version 1.3 of the Version Info utility can be found here:
I would suggest that any new files are uploaded to Wiggio rather than to Yahoo so that a link can be published. Also, I believe the files at Wiggio can be accessed by everybody, whilst those at Yahoo are accessible only by members.
Re: BB4W Yahoo site
Post by jack on Oct 29th, 2013, 2:27pm
Hello Richard. I did not get an invite to join the wiggio group, not in the spam folder either.
Re: BB4W Yahoo site
Post by admin on Oct 29th, 2013, 3:07pm
I did not get an invite to join the wiggio group, not in the spam folder either.
If you were a member of the Yahoo group it should have happened automatically; perhaps your registered email address is no longer valid.
Anyway there's a link to the Wiggio group at the top of the Conforums front page, in the 'BBC BASIC for Windows Resources' panel (the only value in joining is to be able to upload files).