BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> Libraries >> Adding camera roll to D3DLIB
Adding camera roll to D3DLIB
Post by rtr2 on May 12th, 2015, 09:42am
The standard D3DLIB library supports panning and tilting (yawing and pitching if you prefer) of the 'virtual camera' - you can achieve that simply by moving the 'look at' point - but it does not support rolling the camera (i.e. rotation around the optical axis).
I recently had a need for this feature so I created a patched version of the library - D3DLIBA - in which PROC_render has an additional parameter: the camera roll in radians. A positive value signifies rolling the camera anticlockwise, when viewed from behind.
The library can be found at the Yahoo group's Files repository, if you are a member, or it can be downloaded directly from here.
Re: Adding camera roll to D3DLIB
Post by DDRM on May 13th, 2015, 09:35am
Excellent! Thanks, Richard - I can think of a use for it, too!