BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> User Interface >> Output screen

Output screen
Post by Rumpole on Mar 31st, 2014, 4:06pm

How do I suppress the output window when compiling, so that it does not show in my compiled finished GUI program? I've spent hours trawling through documentation but I must have missed it. Many thanks in advance. rolleyes
Re: Output screen
Post by rtr on Mar 31st, 2014, 4:34pm

on Mar 31st, 2014, 4:06pm, Rumpole wrote:
How do I suppress the output window when compiling, so that it does not show in my compiled finished GUI program? I've spent hours trawling through documentation but I must have missed it.

It is there, under 'Command and Editing Window... Utilities menu... Compile... Appearance... Initial window state':

You will want to choose Hidden from the list of states. You can automate this by adding a REM!Window Compiler Directive to your program, for example:

      REM!Window 0,0,hidden,xpstyle 

(don't forget the xpstyle because that is important when targeting Windows Vista and later).
