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Openin and Openout
Post by IffySnuffy on Mar 13th, 2015, 8:24pm

Could someone help me please.
I have written a game which ends up with a highscore. I'm trying to write this highscore to disc, and then load it again next time I play the game, to try and improve on my highscore.
Assuming my highscore was 500, I have written the following which saves a file within the 'My Documents' folder called 'myscore.dat' but when I examine this file with notepad, the file is empty.

my_top_score% = 500
my_top_score% = openout(@usr$+"myscore.dat")
close #my_top_score%

Also, assuming I can save it with the highscore of 500, how can I load the file back into my prog. Would I use the openin command, and if so, how would I do that

Thanks very much for your help
Re: Openin and Openout
Post by rtr2 on Mar 13th, 2015, 9:02pm

on Mar 13th, 2015, 8:24pm, IffySnuffy wrote:
when I examine this file with notepad, the file is empty.

This is what you wanted, I think:

      highscore% = 500
      my_top_score% = OPENOUT(@usr$+"myscore.dat")
      PRINT #my_top_score%, highscore%
      CLOSE #my_top_score% 

how can I load the file back into my prog.

For example:

      my_top_score% = OPENIN(@usr$+"myscore.dat")
      INPUT #my_top_score%, highscore%
      CLOSE #my_top_score% 


Re: Openin and Openout
Post by IffySnuffy on Mar 13th, 2015, 10:16pm

Thanks Richard, that works a treat.
Least I was part way there smiley
Re: Openin and Openout
Post by IffySnuffy on Mar 15th, 2015, 10:12pm

Just one more point. I've managed to save the players name to file, in addition to the high score. What I was hoping for was to save the date too.
I tried the following but just got a 'No such variable' instead of 'Sunday 15 March 2015'
date$ = FN_date$(mjd%, "dddd d MMMM yyyy")
PRINT date$
Re: Openin and Openout
Post by rtr2 on Mar 15th, 2015, 10:52pm

on Mar 15th, 2015, 10:12pm, IffySnuffy wrote:
I tried the following but just got a 'No such variable'

Well, yes, if that's the entire code then mjd% was indeed never defined, so that error is to be expected!

Do you really care about the date format? If you are prepared to use the default format that TIME$ delivers then LEFT$(TIME$,15) is a lot easier than messing about with DATELIB.


Re: Openin and Openout
Post by IffySnuffy on Mar 15th, 2015, 11:25pm

Oops, silly me. I looked up TIME in the help file, saw it wasn't what I was looking for, but missed TIME$ altogether
I'm more than happy with LEFT$(TIME$,15). I guess I thought the mjd% bit was already pre-defined.