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Recommended reading ? - computer engineering
Post by Michael Hutton on Oct 14th, 2009, 3:10pm

I would like to read further about computer design and engineering and would like to ask if anyone has any recommended reading for a beginner. I am a bit handicapped by the fact I don't even know the names of the things I would like to read about(!) but I am interested in knowing more about how the CPU works, memory access and management (stacks etc), OS function.......

I suppose a first year university book would be a good start.

I realise this is a bit vague but would appreciate any thoughts.

Re: Recommended reading ? - computer engineering
Post by LanceGary on Oct 20th, 2009, 08:57am

on Oct 14th, 2009, 3:10pm, Michael Hutton wrote:
I would like to read further about computer design and engineering and would like to ask if anyone has any recommended reading for a beginner. I am a bit handicapped by the fact I don't even know the names of the things I would like to read about(!) but I am interested in knowing more about how the CPU works, memory access and management (stacks etc), OS function.......

I suppose a first year university book would be a good start.

I realise this is a bit vague but would appreciate any thoughts.


I think

"Inside the Machine: An Illustrated Introduction to Microprocessors & Computer Architecture" by Jon Stokes (No Starch Press, 2006)

is a good introduction.

Re: Recommended reading ? - computer engineering
Post by Michael Hutton on Oct 21st, 2009, 03:21am

Thanks Lance,

I've looked at the previews on and it looks like the sort of book I would like to read.

Re: Recommended reading ? - computer engineering
Post by knudvaneeden on Oct 23rd, 2009, 09:06am

on Oct 14th, 2009, 3:10pm, Michael Hutton wrote:
I would like to read further about computer design and engineering and would like to ask if anyone has any recommended reading for a beginner. I am a bit handicapped by the fact I don't even know the names of the things I would like to read about(!) but I am interested in knowing more about how the CPU works, memory access and management (stacks etc), OS function.......

I suppose a first year university book would be a good start.

I realise this is a bit vague but would appreciate any thoughts.


As a possible starter see e.g. classic 'From chips to systems' from Rodnay Zaks

For operating systems, computer systems, networks see the classic books from Andrew Tanenbaum

with friendly greetings,
Knud van Eeden