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Topic: Making YouTube videos for BBC BASIC (Read 525 times) |
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Making YouTube videos for BBC BASIC
« Thread started on: Mar 29th, 2016, 5:26pm » |
I am looking for someone who can be a reasonably experienced/expert-(ish) voice on a series of videos to go onto YouTube.
I have already got the screen-recording software and the ability to record two-way conversations via Skype. Also have the video editing and suchlike. I'm happy to do all that boring stuff.
But, I certainly don't have the expertise in programming. I have been very keen on BB4W for a number of years but still haven't really understood many of the techniques such as PROC and CASE etc.
I imagine making short-ish 5 to 10 min videos, to highlight useful techniques. Recording one screen and recording a two-way audio conversation. I don't mind which screen is recorded, mine or someone else's. Screenshare is easy to do via Skype.
The tone of it I think ought to have a sense of levity and preferably slightly amusing. I think BB4W has a fantastic opportunity to become the language used for beginners and those in education, and for my tuppence-worth, I reckon that youtube video is the way to communicate.
Please feel free to jot down any thoughts on this. Or email.
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Re: Making YouTube videos for BBC BASIC
« Reply #1 on: Mar 29th, 2016, 6:00pm » |
Hi Danny, The best video editing software I found is called Adobe Premiere Elements 10. If you look in the help section in the BBC Basic editor and click on TUTORIAL, it has many lessons on how to use CASE and PROC and DEF PROC and other things in the language (the lessons are actually really good)
DEF PROC and PROC is more for doing special complicated tasks like, making complex objects that use many control variables and or strings.
FN and DEF FN works similar to DEF PROC and PROC except FN gives a return value to the calling line and is useful for many in line user defined calculations or extraction methods in strings and other stuff. (but I am actually fairly green (beginnerish) on FN and DEF FN) Here is my first FN tool:
If you look at the majority of my examples, they use DEF PROC and PROC a lot. Even my lottery program does that too. Sadly I haven't used any screen recording software and I have been using my Ipad for the videos I have made. Its mostly a trust thing. The store tech tells me Twitch is good.. I haven't used it yet. Digging through the forum is also a great way to find examples. Keep in mind though, I am technically a beginner on BBC Basic, so my programming examples may seem quite elaborate and functional, but use many programming techniques that are improper. (like using GOTO which is largely abandoned) (but people that are learning can learn from beginners too) ( that being said, I have past programming experience in other basic dialects, but if you look carefully, BBC Basic is actually quite easy)
Here is an example of PROC and DEF PROC AND READ and DATA .. ( my use of variables is not proper in many parts) I am not using LOCAL to define local variables in my DEF PROCs and I am using variables that are overkill.
For instance, a variable like h should be h% and variables need to be initially defined to be used. so h%=0:a%=0 Is an example of variables you might define at the beginning of a program.
LOCAL h%,a%,a$ Is an example of a list of variables and strings you would define within a DEF PROC routine. Those variables and strings would only be known within the DEF PROC routine and you could reuse them elsewhere without conflict **** without a LOCAL define, strings like a$ would be global ( or known all through the whole program and it wouldn't be protected if a$ was used outside a procedure ****
Also.. here is this: LOCAL DATA This would keep any DATA information within the DEF PROC private too.. So in the case of my program bellow I could have done that with my rating star data and then I could use new data constructs in other DEF PROC subroutines.. * that is useful.
REM this is the VDU equivilent of MODE 8 but I disabled that
REM VDU 22,8
REM the line bellow would make your line thinkness 2 but I disabled it (cus I don't want thick draws
REM VDU 23,23,2|
FOR loop= 1 TO 100
h= 200
v= 200
h= RND(1500)
v= RND(1000)
NEXT loop
DEF PROC_star(h,v)
READ x,y
READ nst$,t
REM programmers don't like seeing GOTO or GOSUB in a program VVVVV
IF nst$="100000" THEN GOTO (jump)
IF nst$="0" THEN col=0 REM black
IF nst$="3" THEN col=8 REM gray
IF nst$="b" THEN col=9 REM red
IF nst$="h" THEN col=15 REM white
IF nst$="i" THEN col=3 REM yellow
GCOL col
FOR u=0 TO t
a=a+1: MOVE h+c,v-a:DRAW h+c,v-a:IF a>x THEN c=c+1:a=0
GOTO (beg)
DATA 16,16
DATA 0,5,b,0,0,15,b,1,0,14,b,0,h,0,b,0,0,13,b,0,i,0,b,0,0,4,b,1,0,6,b,0,i,1,b,0,0,0,b,3,0
DATA 7,b,0,i,2,b,0,h,0,i,1,b,0,0,7,b,0,i,5,b,0,0,5,b,2,i,5,h,0,b,0,0,3,b,1,h,1,i,6,b,0
DATA 0,6,b,2,h,0,i,5,b,0,0,8,b,0,i,2,h,1,i,0,b,0,0,8,b,0,i,1,h,0,b,0,h,2,b,0,0,7,b,0,i
DATA 0,h,0,b,0,0,0,b,3,0,7,b,0,h,0,b,0,0,4,b,1,0,6,b,0,h,0,b,0,0,13,b,1,100000,0
« Last Edit: Mar 29th, 2016, 11:21pm by michael » |
I like making program generators and like reinventing the wheel
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Re: Making YouTube videos for BBC BASIC
« Reply #2 on: Mar 30th, 2016, 09:21am » |
Hi Michael
Thanks for the tips for using these techniques.
I'd like to make these videos because I still think that programming could be accessible to all abilities. For many people, instructions from a manual are just too baffling.
Video in the form of screen-recording and audio dialogue would, for me be the best way forwards.
So, I would like to invite anyone who is interested in doing this to let me know please. I am happy to modestly remunerate for the time taken. I would therefore hold the copyright for the videos.
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Re: Making YouTube videos for BBC BASIC
« Reply #3 on: Mar 30th, 2016, 2:21pm » |
Making quality videos is sometimes many edits and, well most of the editing is the vocal work. Sketches are sometimes tough to present because of camera focus. Videos have to be presented really well to become viral. And normally its the picture they see at the start that lures them to click on the video..
Some of my videos have had over 100 views, but they are specialized in electronic switches, micro-chip programming (Arduino) .. You really have to present something that serves a need or desire.
(like say you made a cool animation with BBC Basic, but didn't say anything until the viewer gets into the animation and you say you made it with BBC and here is the link.)
So then they might come here.. But then you would have to make sure they could easily get the trial for BBC and make it as simple as possible with your program.. Bringing a curious person here is one thing, but its the breakdown of the code in the video. Two words: Laymans terms..
« Last Edit: Mar 30th, 2016, 2:21pm by michael » |
I like making program generators and like reinventing the wheel
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Re: Making YouTube videos for BBC BASIC
« Reply #4 on: Mar 30th, 2016, 7:24pm » |
I'm really not sure why you need someone else with you. Perhaps you can post a portion of a script so we can see what you have in mind.
On a more general note, the basic rule is: a PROC does something an FN returns a value
A simple program might look like this: REPEAT PROCmovespacecraft PROCshootgun UNTILFNshot
PROCmovespacecraft would draw your spacecraft in its new position. PROCshootgun would check to see if the correct key is pressed and then draw the bullet or rocket and update its position each time through the loop.
FNshot, on the other hand, would check whether the bullet had hit the spacecraft and return TRUE or FALSE depending on the result.
This simple division is slightly complicated by the fact that an FN can incorporate the code to do something - say, move the bullet - and a PROC can actually return one or more values by using the keyword RETURN in the parameters.
x%=3:y%=4 PROCdosomething(x%,y%) END
DEFPROCdosomething(RETURN a%,RETURN b%) a%=a%*3 b%+=2 ENDPROC
After calling the PROC x% and y% will have the values of a% and b% - 9 and 6 respectively.
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Re: Making YouTube videos for BBC BASIC
« Reply #5 on: Mar 31st, 2016, 09:11am » |
Thanks KenDown
That is certainly the best explanation that I've read as to the purpose of a PROC. Until now, the only use I'd found for it was to bookmark sections of code.
I definitely wouldn't want to use or write scripts for making video screen recordings.....I think it would sound terribly wooden. I've done quite a few for educational software which were done without scripts. I think that nowadays, particularly younger generations, prefer to watch things that seem "real".
I would certainly stick-up for the Dialogue approach for making video....I think that Socrates would approve too.
thanks again.
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Re: Making YouTube videos for BBC BASIC
« Reply #6 on: Mar 31st, 2016, 1:25pm » |
So you anticipate someone playing the fall guy and asking "What happens if you do this?" and the wise guy answering, "It does so and so"?
It might work with car maintenance, but it doesn't turn me on with programming. A better approach - in my opinion, of course - would be, "Let's try a little project. Let's write a simple clock. This is your basic program structure ... now here is what we do to draw the clock face ..." etc.
Still, best of luck.